Create Contact Companies

You can create a contact for each new company you interact with, for example, a customer, vendor, prospective customer, bank, law firm, consultant, and so on.

There are two ways to create a contact: from scratch or from an existing customer, vendor, or bank account.

Before creating a contact, you may want to check the settings in the Marketing Setup window. For more information, see Set Up Marketing and Contact Management.

Create a company contact from scratch

  1. In the top right corner, choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Contacts, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the New action.
  3. In the No. field, enter a number for the contact.

    Alternatively, if you have set up a number series for contacts in the Marketing Setup window, you can press the Enter key to select the next available contact number.

  4. Set Type to Company.
  5. Fill in the other fields as required.

Create a company contact from a customer, vendor, or bank account

If you have already set up a number of customers, vendors, and bank accounts, you can create contacts on the basis of the existing data. When you create a contact this way, the contact information is synchronized with the customer, vendor, or bank account information.

Note: Before you can create contact companies this way, you must specify a business relation code for customers, vendors, and bank accounts in the Marketing Setup window. If you will be creating contacts from a bank accounts, you must also specify numbers series for bank accounts in the General Ledger Setup window.

  1. In the top right corner, choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter one of the following, depending on from where you want to create contacts, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the batch job window that opens, in the Customer, Vendor, or Bank Account section, set filters if you want to create contacts from specific customers, vendors, or bank accounts.
  3. Choose the OK button to start creating contacts.

    The next contact numbers in the number series are assigned to the new contacts. The business relation for vendors that is specified in the Marketing Setup window is assigned to the newly created contacts.

Tip: You can also create a customer, vendor, or bank account from a contact. For more information, see Create a Customer, Vendor, or Bank Account From a Contact.

See Also

Synchronizing Contacts With Customers, Vendors, and Bank Accounts
Assign Business Relations to a Contact
Assign Industry Groups to a Contact
Assign Mailing Groups to a Contact
How to: Create Contact Persons

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