Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation |
About Item Recalls |
The Item Recall functionality allows our JustFood (JF) Customers to generate an item recall based on a series of filters such as item number, lot number and serial number. In the generated recall, customers can look at a purchased item, and see where it was used and where it was sold. Or customers can view the reverse, and look at a sold item, and see where it was used and where it was purchased.
This recall process ties into the CRM segment, which allows a form letter to be generated for distribution to the customers and food safety governing body.
To | See |
Set up the number series for item recalls and posted item recalls | |
Create an item recall | |
Create an item recall report | Create an Item Recall Report |
Create a posted item recall report | Create a Posted Item Recall Report |
View a walkthrough for an origin to usage recall | Walkthrough: Performing an Item Recall (Original to Usage) |
View a walkthrough for a usage to origin usage recall | Walkthrough: Performing an Item Recall (Usage to Origin) |
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JustFood 2017 ( | January 2017