Open the window.

Creates warehouse instructions, such as warehouse picks, for the lines in the document, worksheet, internal pick, or internal put-away, depending on the context.

For example, the Whse.-Source - Create Document window opens when you click Create Whse. Pick on a released production order. The outcome of the batch job is a warehouse pick document for the production order components. The same applies for a released assembly order.

You can shape the instructions you are creating by filling in the following fields:

Assigned User ID: Here you can assign a user to perform the warehouse instruction.

Sorting Method for Activity Lines: Here you can select the method by which the lines in the instruction will be sorted. The options are by item, document, shelf or bin (when the location uses bins, this is the bin code), due date, bin ranking, or action type.

Set Break-bulk Filter: Place a check mark in this field if you want the program to hide intermediate break-bulk lines when an entire larger unit of measure is converted to a smaller unit of measure and picked completely.

Do Not Fill Qty. to Handle: Place a check mark in this file if you want to manually fill in the Qty. to Handle field on each line.

Print Document: Place a check mark in this field if you want the instructions to be printed. Otherwise, you can print it later from the warehouse instruction window.


See Also