Open the Create Production Forecast window.

This report creates a forecast based on sales or component history. This report is opened from the Production Forecast window when Import History is clicked.

When creating a production forecast, the function looks at item ledger entries for the date range entered in the Item Analysis Date Filter field. The item ledger entries that are used depend on the values in the Forecast Type and Forecast Based On fields, and whether Include Adjustments or Include Production is selected. The forecast entries are calculated based on the value in the Forecast Calc. Source field. See the table below to see what item ledger entries are used, and how the calculation is made:

Forecast Type Forecast Based On Item Ledger Entries used in Calculation Forecast Calc. Source:
Forecast Calc. Source:
Forecast Calc. Source:
Forecast Calc. Source:
Sales Item N/A
  • Sale
  • Positive Adjmt. (if Include Adjustments is selected)
  • Negative Adjmt. (if Include Adjustments is selected)
Total entries in date range divided by number of item analysis periods Lowest entry in date range Highest entry in date range Total entries in date range
Component Receipts Only
  • Purchase
  • Positive Adjmt. (if Include Adjustments is selected)
  • Output (if Include Production is selected)
Total entries in date range divided by number of item analysis periods Lowest entry in date range Highest entry in date range Total entries in date range
Usage Only
  • Sale
  • Negative Adjmt. (if Include Adjustments is selected)
  • Consumption (if Include Production is selected)
Total entries in date range divided by number of item analysis periods Lowest entry in date range Highest entry in date range Total entries in date range
Net   Average receipts minus average usage Lowest receipt minus lowest usage Highest receipt minus highest usage Total receipts minus total usage

Note: Values entered in the Forecast fields on the Planning FastTab of the Item Card window will impact the forecast entries.

Enter the parameters that determine which sales or components should be used.


Field Description
Item Analysis Date Filter Date range of the sales or components you want JustFood to look at. For example, 01/01/16..12/31/16.
Item Analysis Period Type Level that you want to create the forecast for.
Item UOM to Use Item unit of measure to use. Base for the base UOM, or Sales for the sales UOM.
Forecast Type Indicates if sales history or component history is being analyzed. This value is inherited from the Production Forecast window.
Include Adjustments

Select the check box if you want to include adjustments when calculating the production forecast.

For sales history, positive and negative adjustments will be included.

For component history-Receipts only, positive adjustments will be included.

For component history-Usage only, negative adjustments will be included.

Include Production

Select the check box if you want to include production when calculating the production forecast based on component history. This check box is only active when the forecast type is Component.

For component history-Receipts only, output will be included.

For component history-Usage only, consumption will be included.

Forecast Based On

Components that you want the forecast to be based on. This field is only active when the forecast type is Component.

  • Receipts only
  • Usage only
  • Net
Forecast Calc. Source

Select how the forecast entry is calculated:

  • Average: The total for the selected date range divided by the number of item analysis periods.
  • For Components-Net, the average is the average receipts minus the average usage.
  • Low: The lowest entry in the selected date range.
  • For Components-Net, the low entry is the lowest receipt minus the lowest usage.
  • High: The highest entry in the selected date range.
  • For Components-Net, the high entry is the highest receipt minus the highest usage.
  • Total: The total entries for the selected date range. For Components-Net, the total is the total receipts minus the total usage.
Spread Qty. Over Forecast Period(s) Select this check box if you want to spread the forecast over the selected period. For example, if your entry has a forecast of 200, if you select this check box, 200 will be divided over the forecast period. If you do not select this check box, each entry in the forecast will show 200.
Production Forecast Name Name of the production forecast that the entries will be applied to. This value is inherited from the Production Forecast window.
Production Forecast Location Code Location that the production forecast applies to. This value is inherited from the Production Forecast window.
Production Forecast Date Filter Date range of the production forecast. This value is inherited from the Production Forecast window.
Production Forecast Period Type Type of period for the production forecast. This value is inherited from the Production Forecast window.
Action Type Action to occur when forecast is run.
  • Append to Existing Forecast: Select if you are adding months onto an existing forecast. Note: The new data that is being calculated should not be a duplicate of the date/time you already forecast otherwise you will double-up your forecast.

  • Delete Existing Forecast: Select if you are recreating an entire forecast, or creating a new forecast from scratch.


See Also



About Forecasting