Open the window.

Specifies a summary of the amounts and quantities that are budgeted for each item in different periods.

General FastTab

Budget Name

Select the name for the budget that you want to work on.

Show as Lines

Select the dimension that you want to show as lines in the Purch. Budget Matrix Overview FastTab.

Show as Columns

Select the dimension that you want to show as columns in the Purch. Budget Matrix Overview FastTab.

Show Value as

Specify if you want to view the item values by cost amount or by quantity.

View By

Select the time intervals for which you want to view budget figures.

Rounding Factor

Select a rounding factor that the program will use to round the amounts in the columns. For example, if you select 1000, then all amounts are shown in thousands.

Show Column Name

Select this field if you want column headings to show the descriptive names that you have given dimension values and vendors instead of the corresponding codes. This makes the matrix window easier for you to understand if you have set up numerical dimension value and vendor codes.

Purch. Budget Overview Matrix FastTab

The first three columns in the matrix display the following information:


This column shows the dimension value code for the dimension selected in the Show as Lines field. To view a list of dimension values, click the drill-down button in the field.


This column shows the name of the dimension value on the line.

Budgeted Quantity

This column shows the total quantity of the purchase budget entries for the item. To see the purchase budget entries, click the drill-down button next to the field.

Budgeted Cost Amount

This column shows the cost amount of the purchase budget entries for the item. To see the purchase budget entries, click the drill-down button next to the field.

The remaining columns in the matrix show the dimension value code for the dimension that is selected in the Show as Columns field.

Filters FastTab

Date Filter

Set a date filter by which budget amounts are displayed.

Vendor Filter

Delimit the budget by the vendors from whom items are purchased.

Item Filter

Define which items to view the budget for.

Budget Dimensions Filters

Select a budget dimension as a filter, so that the values in the budget fields are based only on budget entries with these dimension values.

Department Filter

Filter the budget by a department dimension.

Project Filter

Filter the budget by a project dimension.


See Also