Open the window.

Specifies availability figures for BOM items that indicate how many units of a parent you can make based on the availability of child items on underlying lines. Any item that has a BOM structure, such as an assembly BOM or production BOM, is shown in the window as a collapsible line. You can expand this line to see the underlying components and lower-level subassemblies with their own BOMs.

You can use the window to find out whether you can fulfill a sales order for an item on a specified date by looking at its current availability and the quantities that can be supplied by its components. You can also use the window to identify bottlenecks in related BOMs.

On each line in the window for both parent items and child items, the following key fields specify the availability figures. You can use these figures to promise how many units of a parent you can supply if you start the related assembly or production process.

Field Description

Able to Make Top Item

Shows how many units of the top item you can make.

The field specifies how many units of the top-line BOM item you can assemble or produce. The value is based on availability of the item on the line.

Able to Make Parent

Shows how many units of any subassembly in the top item you can make.

The field specifies how many immediate parent units you can assemble or produce. The value is based on availability of the item on the line.

The Item Availability by BOM Level window shows information for the item on the card or document line that the window is opened for. The item is always shown on the top line. You can view information for other items or for all items by changing the value in the Item Filter field. Also, you can select a line in the window, choose View Availability By, and then select BOM Level to open the Item Availability by BOM Level window for that item.

By default, availability figures on the lines show the total availability of all items under the top item. These figures are displayed in the Available Quantity field, and the focus is on the top item. However, information about how many subassemblies you can make may be skewed. To get a true indication of how many of the shown subassemblies you can make, you must clear the Show Total Availability field and then see the figure in the Able to Make Parent field. For more information, see the Show Total Availability field.

The Bottleneck field specifies which item in the BOM structure restricts you from making a larger quantity than the quantity that is shown in the Able to Make Top Item field. For example, the bottleneck item can be a purchased component with an expected receipt date that is too late to make additional units of the top item by the date in the Needed by Date field.

You can use the Item Availability by BOM Level window to promise internal or external delivery dates, and you can use it with the Capable to Promise functionality. For more information, see About Order Promising.


See Also