Open the Sales Order Statistics window.

The Sales Order Statistics window appears when you click Order and then Statistics from the Sales Order window. The window shows statistics for the relevant sales order. The Sales Order Statistics window has five FastTabs: General, Invoicing, Shipping, Prepayment, and Customer. These FastTabs show information such as quantity, amount, VAT, cost, profit, and customer credit limit.

The sales order statistics provide you with a quick overview of the contents of the entire sales order, the details in the specific sales order lines, and information related to both invoicing and shipping.

The amounts in the Sales Order Statistics window are in the currency of the sales document, unless otherwise indicated.

General, Invoicing, and Shipping FastTabs

The fields are the same on the General, Invoicing, and Shipping FastTabs but the field contents vary for each FastTab:

The amount in the Total Incl. VAT field is rounded according to the contents in the Invoice Rounding Precision field in the Currency table for the relevant currency. The program rounds off the amounts in the Amount, Inv. Discount Amount, Total, and VAT fields that make up the Total Incl. VAT amount. The amounts in the Amount, Cost (LCY), and Profit (LCY) fields are rounded according to the contents of the Amount Rounding Precision field in the Currency table for the relevant currency.

The fields on the General, Invoicing, and Shipping FastTabs show the following information for the relevant quantities (total quantity, quantity to invoice, or quantity to ship) as mentioned above:

Amount Excl. VAT

This field shows the net amount of all the lines in the sales order. This amount does not include VAT or any invoice discount but does include line discounts.

Inv. Discount Amount

This field shows the invoice discount amount for the entire sales order. If there is a check mark in the Calc. Inv. Discount field in the Sales & Receivables Setup window, the discount was calculated automatically. Otherwise, it is calculated when you click Actions, point to Functions, and then click Calculate Invoice Discount.

Total Excl. VAT

This field shows the total amount less any invoice discount amount (excluding VAT) for the sales order.

% VAT or VAT Amount

This field shows the total VAT amount that has been calculated for all the lines in the sales order.

Total Incl. VAT

This field shows the total amount, including VAT. On the Invoicing FastTab, this is the amount that is posted to the customer's account for all the lines in the sales order if the sales order is posted as invoiced.

Sales (LCY)

This field shows the amount in the Total Incl. VAT field above, converted to LCY.

Original Profit (LCY)

This field shows the difference, in LCY, between the amounts in the Amount and Original Cost (LCY) fields for the sales order.

Adjusted Profit (LCY)

This field shows the difference, in LCY, between the amounts in the Amount and Adjusted Cost (LCY) fields for the sales order. If this field contains a value of zero, it means that there were no entries to calculate, possibly because of date compression.

Original Profit %

This field shows profit expressed as a percentage of the amount in the Amount field.

Adjusted Profit %

This field shows the profit, adjusted for any changes in the original costs of the items, expressed as a percentage of the amount in the Amount field.


This field shows the quantity of G/L account entries, items, and/or resources in the sales order. If a rounded amount results because there was a check mark in the Invoice Rounding field in the Sales & Receivables Setup table, the Quantity field will contain the quantity of items in the sales order plus one.


This field shows the number of parcels in the sales order.

Net Weight

This field shows the net weight of the items in the sales order.

The value is updated from the calculated Net Weight fields on the sales lines. If no weight tracking has been entered or posted, the default net weight from the item card is used.

If weight tracking has only been entered for part of the order, then a combination of the tracked and default net weights are used in the calculation. For example, the variable weight item A has the following default weights on the item card:

  • Net weight of 15

  • Gross weight of 20

Sales order XYZ has a quantity of 4. One case has been posted at 14 lbs. Tracking has been entered for 2 of the remaining 3 cases with a Net Weight to Handle of 26 lbs.  The  Statistics window now shows the order's weights as follows:

  • Net weight is 55 (26+14+15).  The value is from the 2 tracked cases weighing 26 lbs, plus the posted case weighing 14 lbs, plus the remaining case of 15 pounds, which is from the default net weight on the item card.

  • Gross weight is 75 [55+((20-15)*4)]. The value is from the calculated net weight of 55 lbs, plus 20 lbs ((20-15)*4), which is the default gross weight (20 lbs) minus the default net weight (15) times the number of items (4).

Gross Weight

This field shows the gross weight of the items in the sales order.

The value is based on the calculated net weight plus the difference between the item card's default Gross Weight and Net Weight times the number of items. 

If weight tracking has only been entered for part of the order, then a combination of the tracked and default net weights are used in the calculation. See the Net Weight field for an example.


This field shows the volume of the items in the sales order.

Original Cost (LCY)

This field shows the total cost, in LCY, of the G/L account entries, items, and/or resources in the sales order. The cost is calculated as (unit cost * quantity) of the relevant items or resources.

Adjusted Cost (LCY)

This field shows the total cost, in LCY, of the items in the sales order, adjusted for any changes in the original costs of these items. If this field contains a value of zero, it means that there were no entries to calculate, possibly because of date compression or because the adjustment batch job has not yet been run.

Cost Adjmt. Amount (LCY)

This field shows the difference between the original cost and the total adjusted cost of the items in the sales order. If this field contains a value of zero, it means either that the original cost and adjusted cost are the same or that there were no entries to calculate, possibly because of date compression.

Prepayment FastTab

The fields on the Prepayment FastTab display the following information:

Prepmt. Amount Excl./Incl. VAT

This field shows the total prepayment amount for the order, for all lines and all prepayment invoices. (If the Prices Including VAT field on the sales header contains a check mark, this field is including VAT. If the Prices Including VAT field on the sales header does not contain a check mark, this field is excluding VAT.)

% VAT or VAT Amount

This field shows the total VAT amount on prepayments for all the lines in the order. (The VAT % is specified in the field name only if all lines in the order have the same VAT %.)

Prepmt. Amount Excl./Incl. VAT

This field shows the total prepayment amount for the order, for all lines and all prepayment invoices. (If the Prices Including VAT field on the sales header contains a check mark, this field is excluding VAT. If the Prices Including VAT field on the sales header does not contain a check mark, this field is including VAT.)

Prepmt. Amt. Invoiced

This field shows the total prepayment amount that has been invoiced for the order.

Prepmt. Amt. Deducted

This field shows the prepayment amount that has been deducted from ordinary invoices issued for the order.

Prepmt. Amt. to Deduct

This field shows the prepayment amount that is deducted if an ordinary invoice is issued for the order.

The Prepmt. Amt. to Deduct for each line = (Prepmt. Amt. Invoiced - Prepmt. Amt. Deducted) x (Qty. to Invoice / Quantity). This field contains the sum of all the lines.

Customer FastTab

The fields on the Customer FastTab display the following information:

Balance (LCY)

This field shows the balance on the customer's account.

Credit Limit (LCY)

There are two fields that show information about the customer's credit limit. The first field shows, as an amount, the credit limit of the customer that you created the sales order for. The second field shows the percentage of the credit limit that the customer has used.


See Also