Open the window.

Closes open Tax entries and transfers purchase and sales Tax amounts to the Tax settlement account.

For every Tax posting group, the batch job finds all the Tax entries in the Tax Entry table that are included in the filters in the definition window.

When the Tax entries are closed, the Closed field in the Tax Entry table is marked. The entry number of the settlement entry that has closed the entry is inserted automatically in the Closed by Entry No. field. This happens only when the amount must be transferred between general ledger accounts.

When a Tax amount is transferred to the Tax settlement account, the account for purchase Tax is credited and the account for sales Tax is debited with the amount from the Tax statement period. The account numbers are found in the Tax Posting Setup table. The account for Tax settlement is credited with the net amount. If the purchase Tax amount is larger, it is debited.

You can use the batch job either to start the posting process or to print a test report.

The posted entries are assigned the dimensions from the general ledger accounts they are posted to.


Field Description

Starting Date

Enter the first date in the period from which Tax entries are processed in the batch job.

Ending Date

Enter the last date in the period from which Tax entries are processed in the batch job.

Posting Date

Enter the date on which the transfer to the Tax account is posted. This field must be filled in.

Document No.

Enter a document number. This field must be filled in.

Settlement Account

Select the number of the Tax settlement account. Select the field to see the chart of account. This field must be filled in.

Show VAT Entries

Select if you want the report that is printed during the batch job to contain the individual Tax entries. If you do not choose to print the Tax entries, the settlement amount is shown only for each Tax posting group.


Select if you want the program to post the transfer to the Tax settlement account automatically. If you do not choose to post the transfer, the batch job only prints a test report, and Test Report (not Posted) appears on the report.

Show Amounts in Add. Reporting Currency

Select if you want report amounts to be shown in the additional reporting currency.


See Also