Open the window.

Issues one or more reminders at once.

When you issue a reminder, the Shortcut iconIssue Reminders request window appears. You can select the reminders to be issued by filling in the No. field.

When a reminder is issued, the program posts entries according to your specifications in the Reminder Terms table. This table determines whether interest and/or additional fees are posted to the customer's account and the general ledger. The Customer Posting Group table determines which accounts are posted to.

For each customer ledger entry on the reminder, an entry is created in the Reminder/Fin. Charge Entry table.

If the Post Interest field and/or the Post Additional Fee field in the Reminder Terms table contains a check mark, the following entries are also made:

In addition, issuing the reminder may result in Tax entries.

When issuing is completed, you will be able to see the issued reminder in the Issued Reminder window.

You can define which reminders are included in the batch job by setting filters. You can also determine how the batch job is processed by filling in the fields on the Options FastTab. Fill in the fields as follows:


Print: Place a check mark in the check box if you want the program to print the reminders when they are issued.

Replace Posting Date: Place a check mark in the check box if you want to replace the reminders' posting date with the date entered in the field below.

Posting Date: Enter the posting date. If you place a check mark in the check box above, the program will use this date on all reminders when you post. If you do not place a check mark in the check box, this date will be used only on those reminders where there is no posting date already specified.

Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.


See Also