Open the window.

Creates reminder lines in existing reminders for any overdue payments based on information in the Reminder window.

On the General FastTab, you must specify the document date that reminders lines are suggested for, and on the Posting FastTab, you must make sure that the Reminder Terms Code and Fin. Charge Terms Code fields are filled. For more information, see How to: Create Reminders Manually.

The reminder terms can be broken down further into levels that provide the flexibility of using different terms on reminders depending on whether the reminder is the first, second, or third notice to the customer. When you run the Suggest Reminder Lines batch job, the Grace Period field in the Reminder Levels window determines when the first and subsequent reminders will be suggested. For more information, see How to: Set Up Reminder Levels.

If the batch job finds at least one open customer ledger entry that has not been paid on time and that is not on hold, then it will insert all open customer ledger entries that are not on hold, even if the entries are not due for payment yet. To avoid this, you can select the Only Entries with Overdue Amounts check box on the Options FastTab. For more information about putting customer ledger entries on hold, see On Hold.

The batch job only inserts open customer ledger entries that are in the currency code that you specify on the reminder header. If you invoice a customer in more than one currency, you must create a reminder for each currency.

If you choose to calculate interest on reminders, and if the Interest Calculation field in the Finance Charge Terms window contains the Closed Entries option, then the batch job will also calculate interest on the closed portion of open entries, the paid amount.


Option Description

Only Entries with Overdue Amounts

Specify if the batch job will only insert open entries that are overdue, meaning they have a due date earlier than the document date on the reminder header.

Include Entries On Hold

Specify if the batch job will also insert overdue open entries that are on hold.

Open entries that are on hold will be inserted, irrespective of the setting in the Only Entries with Overdue Amounts check box.


See Also