
Lot/Serial Number Information Cards: Auto-Create


Plant will now check the Auto Create Tracking Info field on the Item Tracking Code window to see if a lot and/or serial number should automatically be created when a lot number and/or serial number is added to the item tracking. This function is helpful to Plant users who were previously unable to post output for items that had default properties. When a lot or serial number information card is automatically created, any item default properties will automatically be added to the information card, which now allows Plant users to post.

To set up automatic creating of lot/serial number information cards:

  1. Open the Item Tracking Code Card window for the desired code.

  2. On the Misc. FastTab, in the Auto Create Tracking Info field, select the information card that you want to be automatically created when a lot or serial number is added to the item tracking.

  3. Click OK.

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JustFoodERP 2015 Feature Pack 2 Service Pack 1 ( | March 2016