These Release Notes explain the JustFoodERP fixes and new functions that are in this release.

Some of the new functions have a short video clip demonstrating the changes. Look for the icon. A single video has also been created, which includes all of the video clips in a single video file: Release Video.

For release information related to the JustFoodERP applications, see Applications.

This release was tested on a JustFoodERP environment that had Microsoft Dynamics NAV cumulative update 15.


The following changes were made to the documentation:


Finished Production Orders: Reopen


You can now reopen a finished production order, which allows you to post additional consumption and output, and then finish the order once complete. The Change Status to Released action, on the Finished Production Order window, changes the finished production order to a released production order.

To reopen a finished production order:

  1. Open a finished production order.

  2. On the Actions tab, in the General group, choose Change Status to Released.

  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to open the finished production order.

    The production order was changed to released, and can now be found from the Released Prod. Orders window.

The following changes were made:

Item Overhead Rates


You can now assign overhead rate categories to an item, which allows the breakdown of overheads across multiple accounts.

You can create overhead rate categories to which you can assign a general business posting group and general product posting group. Then you can assign the overhead categories to an item, and define when the overhead rate applies, and to what location.

To define overhead rate categories:

To assign overhead rate categories to an item:

The following changes were made:


Bin Management: Day Identifier for a To-Production Bin


You can now add a day-identifier to the To-production bin defined for a location, work center and machine center. This is helpful for companies who use full-bin consumption but are unable to post the consumption until the following day. 

From a location, work center or machine center, you can set JustFoodERP to use the Bin+Day algorithm, which adds a number to the end of the To-production bin that indicates the day the production order started. The days are indicated as follows:

  • 1-Monday
  • 2-Tuesday
  • 3-Wednesday
  • 4-Thursday
  • 5-Friday
  • 6-Saturday
  • 7-Sunday

If production was started on Monday, the To-production bin would end in 1 (for example, INBOUND1).

To set up locations, work centers and machine centers to use Bin+Day algorithm:

The following changes were made:

  • The To-Production Bin Algorithm field was added to the Location Card window. The field indicates if you should use an algorithm for To-Production bins. If Bin+Day is selected, then the Components window of a production order will show the To-production bin plus the number that represents the start date of the production order. The days of the week are identified as follows: 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday, 6=Saturday and 7=Sunday. For example, if the production order starts on Tuesday and the To-production bin is INBOUND, then the Components window will show INBOUND2 as the bin code.

  • The To-Production Bin Algorithm field was added to the Work Center Card window.

  • The To-Production Bin Algorithm field was added to the Machine Center Card window

Families: Documentation

Families: Group Codes


You can now group similar families together by using the family group code. The new Family Groups window allows you define family group codes, which can then be applied to a family from the Family window.

To create family groups codes and assign to a family:

The following changes were made:

Family Window


The family window went through extensive changes to allow you to more easily define the item(s) that will be consumed in order to produce the family items.

You can now do the following from the Family window:

  • Assign the family to a group using the Family Group Code field.

  • Specify what is being consumed in order to create the items in a family. On the General FastTab, the Family BOM No./Active Version field allows you to choose a BOM that contains the item(s) that will be consumed in order to create the items specified on the lines. If there is more than one BOM version, the active version will be used. The items on the Lines FastTab are the output from the item(s) in the family BOM. The line items can also have their own BOMs as specified in the Production BOM No. field. The components from the family lines, and the family header BOM will be pushed to the Prod. Order Components window (accessed from a production order).

  • View the relationship of the family BOM and its components from the Family BOM Overview FactBox. The bold blue lines are the items in the family BOM. The bold black lines are the line items within the family. The non-bold lines are the components of the BOMs of the individual lines.

  • Add routing to the family lines. In cases where a line's routing is different than the family BOM, you can define that routing in the Routing No. field. The field is automatically populated with the routing associated with the item but you can change the value. If there is more than one routing version, the active version will be used. The routings will be pushed to the production orders. If a routing number was not added to the line, the routing number from the header will be pushed to the production order.

  • Indicate how you want the costs of the family BOM to be distributed across the family lines. This allows you to give certain items a larger percentage of the cost. The Family BOM Cost Dist. % field indicates which percentage of the family BOM costs should be allocated to the family line. If the total of Family BOM Cost Dist % fields does not add up to 100, you will receive an error when changing the status to Certified, and you will need to change the cost distribution to equal 100 from the production order. The cost distributions will be pushed to production orders. When the Family BOM No. field does not have a value in the General FastTab, the Family BOM Cost Dist % field should not have a value.

  • Enter quantities for the lines in a UOM that is different than the base UOM using the Alternate Quantity and Alternate Unit of Measure Code fields.

  • View the total expected weight of all the items that will be manufactured from the Expected Output Weight field.

  • View the total standard weight of a family component based on the quantity and the item's net weight from the Quantity (Std. Weight UOM) and Std. Weight Unit of Measure fields.

  • Define if family line items should be considered when calculating family planning, and also define in what order an item should be considered if it's used in more than one family as a primary. The Output Type field allows you to indicate if a family line is primary, secondary or other. Only primary lines will be considered when family planning is performed from the Planning Worksheet window. The Planning Order field is used when calculating family planning when an item is included in more than one family with an output type of Primary. The item with the lowest planning number will be given priority. The value must be unique for each item that is in different families as a primary. When the family status is changed to Certified, JustFoodERP will check that the Planning Order field has unique values for families that have the same item as Primary.

  • Define if a family is New, Certified, Under Development or Closed using the Status field. You can only create production orders for families that are certified. Before the Status field can be change to Certified, JustFoodERP checks a series of conditions.

Family Window

To create a family:

The following changes were made to the General FastTab:

The following changes were made to the Lines FastTab:

The following changes were made to the FastTabs:

Families: Items


You can now view the families that an item belongs to.

To view the families that an item belongs to:

  1. Open an Item Card window.

  2. On the Navigate tab, in the Assembly/Production group, choose Production>Families. If Line No. field is 0 (zero), then the item is from the family BOM.

The following changes were made:

  • The Item Families window was added.

  • The Families option was added to the Production option in the Assembly/Production group on the Navigate tab on the Items window and the Item Card window. The Families option opens the new Item Families window.

Family Planning


You can now calculate planning using families. Previously, planning would only suggest item production orders but now family production orders can also be suggested by opening the new Family Production Worksheet window. Family planning will ensure that demand is met while minimizing excess supply due to over-production of some families.

When on the Planning Worksheet window, you have the option of running a calculation that includes families. Family items with an Output Type of Primary on the Family window will be considered in family planning. If an item has an output type of Primary on two different families, the Planning Order field is used to determine which item gets priority in the planning. The lower the planning number, the higher the priority. Items that have an output type of Secondary or Other will NOT be considered in the family planning.

The start date of the planning line is also considered when calculating family planning. Planning lines with different starting dates cannot use the same family during production.

Once the family planning calculation is run, the Family Production Worksheet window is populated with the families that will fulfill the requirements. The Family Factor field will show how many families are required to meet the demand. The family factor can be changed, and when the planning lines are refreshed, the family components will be updated to reflect the new family factor.

You can now indicate what is an acceptable overage from the Manufacturing Setup window.

To set up the planning overage percentage:

To calculate family planning:

The following changes were made:

  • The following changes were made to the Planning Worksheet window:

    • The Family field was added.

    • The Family Production Worksheet option was added to the Navigate tab. This option opens the Family Production Worksheet window, which allows you to perform family based planning.

    • The Planning Components window (Planning Worksheet window>Navigate>Components) was changed to show items in the family BOM in bold blue lines, items within the family in bold black lines, and components of the BOMs of the individual lines in non-bold lines.

  • The Family Production Worksheet window was added, which allows you to calculate what families can be produced in order to satisfy the family items calculated on the Planning Worksheet window

  • The Family Prod. Planning Overage % field was added to the Manufacturing Setup window, which indicates the overage percentage that determines if an item appears on the Family Overages FactBox on the Family Production Worksheet window.

Families: Production Orders


Production orders were changed to handle the updated Families function. The following changes were made to production orders:

  • Only certified families can be selected when created manually or from the planning worksheet.

  • The Routing No. fields, on a production order, are now populated with the values from the lines in the Family window. If a value wasn't defined for the line, the value is from the routing number defined on the General FastTab on the Family window.

  • The Production Journal window was changed to show items in the family BOM in bold blue lines.

  • The costs from the family BOM can now be distributed across the family items in a released production order. If the released production order has a source type of Family, then the Family BOM Cost Dist. % field will be populated with the values from the lines on the Family window. You can manually change the value in the Family BOM Cost Dist % field (if the source type is Family). Or you can use the Calc. Family BOM Cost Dist. % action to open the Calc. Family BOM Cost Dist % report and distribute the costs based on quantity, weight or market price, or you can choose to reset the fields to the default values from the Family window. When finishing the production order, JustFoodERP verifies that the Family BOM Cost Dist % fields total 100 if the selected family has a family BOM.

The following changes were made:

Family: Miscellaneous

The following changes were made for the new Family function:

  • The following field was removed from the Manufacturing Setup window: Use Family for Link Priority.

  • Warehouse picking now handles family production orders. When a warehouse pick is created for a family production order, the pick will contain the items from the family header BOM.

  • Inventory movements now handle family production orders. When an inventory movement is created for a family production order, the movement will include the items from the family header BOM.

  • The Calc. Consumption and Calc. Full Bin Consumption actions, on the Consumption Journal window, were updated to now consider the components in the family header BOM.

  • You can now see which lines are the header level consumption lines for family orders on the Production Journal window. The family header components are shown in blue.

Production BOMs


You can now update the alternate UOM quantity from the Production BOM window, which allows you to enter BOM lines in an alternate UOM such as weight, and have the standard quantity field update accordingly.

The following changes were made:

  • On the Production BOM window, the Quantity (Alt. UOM ) field can now be edited. If the field is changed, then the Quantity Per field is updated based on the UOM conversion.


Session List Window in the Cloud


You can now run a Session List window in a Cloud environment. Previously, the Dev client would start when the Sessions page was opened, which wouldn't work in the Cloud.

From the Session List (Cloud) window, you will not be able to debug your own session but can debug any session that is not your own. You can kill any of the sessions.

The following changes were made:

Purchases and Payables

Inventory Overview: Vendor Fields


You can now see vendor related details from the Inventory Overview window with the new Vendor No., Vendor Name and Alternate Lot No. fields.

The new fields are hidden by default, so you will have to manually show them.

The following changes were made to the Inventory Overview window:

Purchase Orders: Copy Header Comments


You can now define if you want to copy purchase order comments to warehouse receipts or warehouse put-aways.

On the Comment Sheet window, you can select the Copy to Whse. Receipt check box and the Copy to Whse. Put-away check box to indicate that you want the comment to be copied to the appropriate documents.

To copy purchase order comments:

  1. Open a purchase order.

  2. On the Navigate tab, in the Order group, choose Comments. The Comment Sheet window opens.

  3. Enter a comment.

  4. Select the Copy to Whse. Receipt check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse receipt generated from the purchase order.

  5. Select the Copy to Whse. Put-away check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse put-away

    Any warehouse receipts or warehouse put-aways created from the purchase order will contain the comments that were marked to be copied to the warehouse documents.

The following changes were made to the Comment Sheet window:

Purchase Return Orders: Copy Header Comments

You can now define if you want to copy purchase return order comments to warehouse shipments or warehouse picks.

On the Comment Sheet window, you can select the Copy to Whse. Shipment check box and the Copy to Whse. Pick check box to indicate that you want the comment to be copied to the appropriate documents.

To copy purchase return order comments:

  1. Open a purchase return order.

  2. On the Navigate tab, in the Order group, choose Comments. The Comment Sheet window opens.

  3. Enter a comment.

  4. Select the Copy to Whse. Shipment check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse shipment generated from the purchase return order.

  5. Select the Copy to Whse. Pick check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse pick.

  6. Click OK.

    Any warehouse shipments or warehouse picks created from the purchase return order will contain the comments that were marked to be copied to the warehouse documents.

The following changes were made to the Comment Sheet window:


The Clean Company function was updated so that it now removes data from the following tables:

  • Bar Code Tracking (23019039)

  • Family Prod. Process Order  (23019509)

  • Family Production Line (23019997)

  • Integer Auto Serial Number (23019068)

  • Warehouse Activity Line Detail (23019045)

Sales and Marketing

Sales Price Calculations


Item Price Group

You can now set sales price calculations by item price group. Previously, you could only set the calculations up by individual item.

When you are looking at the sales price calculations for a group, you can see the calculated item price for an individual item by changing the value in the Item Context field.

From a sales order or sales quote, you can now access the sales price calculations from the Sales Line Details FactBox.

To set up sales price calculations by item price group:

  1. Open an item.

  2. On the Invoicing FastTab, choose a value for the Item Price Group field.

  3. On the Navigate tab, in the Sales group, choose Pricing>Sales Price Calculations by Item Group. The Sales Price Calculation window opens filtered to the selected item price group.

  4. Populate the fields as required.

  5. Click OK. The sale price calculations will apply to any items with the same item price group.

The following changes were made:

  • The following changes were made to the Items List window and the Item Card window:

    • On the Navigate tab, in the Sales group, the Pricing>Sales Price Calculations action was renamed to Pricing>Sales Price Calculations by Item.

    • On the Navigate tab, in the Sales group, the Pricing>Sales Price Calculations by Item Group action was added.

    • On the Navigate tab, in the Sales group, the Order Rules Detail action was added.

  • The Sales Price Calcs field was added to the Sales Line FactBox on the Sales Order window and Sales Quote window. The field shows the number of sales price calculations, and allows you to open the Item Sales Price Calculation window.

  • The Item Context field was added to the Item Sales Price Calculation window. This field allows you to choose an item so that you can see what the calculated price would be if the item price group was assigned to the item.

Deliver Calculations

When setting up sales price calculations for an item, you can now define a delivered price calculation, which adds a delivery item charge or an allowance item charge to a sales order.

If a positive value is entered for the delivered price, then the function looks at the shipment method associated with the sales order, and checks the value in the Delivery Item Charge Code field. If a value exists, then the delivery item charge code is added to sales order with the calculated delivered price.

If a negative value is entered for the delivered price, then the function looks at the shipment method associated with the sales order, and checks the value in the Allowance Item Charge Code field. If a value exists, then the allowance item charge code is added to the sales order with a negative calculated allowance price.

The delivery price can be a set value, a percentage of the calculated price, or a value based on the net weight of the item.

To set up delivery price calculations:

In order for a delivery item charge or allowance item charge to be applied to a sales order, the sales order must have a shipment method, and on the Shipment Methods window, a value must exist in the Delivery Item Charge Code field and Allowance Item Charge Code field, respectively.

  1. From the Item Card window, on the Navigate tab, in the Sales group, choose Pricing>Sales Price Calculations by Item or Pricing>Sales Price Calculations by Item Group. The Sales Price Calculation window opens.

  2. Populate the fields as required.

  3. Select a value for the Delivered Price Calculation field.

    • Percent on Calc. Price: Calculates the item charge as a percentage of the calculated price.

    • Value on Calc. Price: Adds the entered value as an item charge.

    • Value per Net Weight: Adds an item charge based on the item's net weight.

  4. Enter a value in the Delivered Price Value field:

    • Positive value: Uses the value in the Delivery Item Charge Code field on the Shipment Methods window, and adds a positive delivery charge to the sales order or sales quote.

    • Negative value: Uses the value in the Allowance Item Charge Code field on the Shipment Methods window, and adds a negative allowance charge to the sales order or sales quote.

  5. Click OK.

The following changes were made to the Item Sales Price Calculation window:

Sales Orders: Copy Header Comments


You can now define if you want to copy sales order comments to warehouse shipments or warehouse picks.

On the Comment Sheet window, you can select the Copy to Whse. Shipment check box and the Copy to Whse. Pick check box to indicate that you want the comment to be copied to the appropriate documents.

To copy sales order comments:

  1. Open a sales order.

  2. On the Navigate tab, in the Order group, choose Comments. The Comment Sheet window opens.

  3. Enter a comment.

  4. Select the Copy to Whse. Shipment check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse shipment generated from the sales order.

  5. Select the Copy to Whse. Pick check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse pick.

  6. Click OK.

    Any warehouse shipments or warehouse picks created from the sales order will contain the comments that were marked to be copied to the warehouse documents.

The following changes were made to the Comment Sheet window:

Sales Return Orders: Copy Header Comments

You can now define if you want to copy sales return order comments to warehouse receipts or warehouse put-aways.

On the Comment Sheet window, you can select the Copy to Whse. Receipt check box and the Copy to Whse. Put-away check box to indicate that you want the comment to be copied to the appropriate documents.

To copy sales return order comments:

  1. Open a sales return order.

  2. On the Navigate tab, in the Order group, choose Comments. The Comment Sheet window opens.

  3. Enter a comment.

  4. Select the Copy to Whse. Receipt check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse receipt generated from the sales return order.

  5. Select the Copy to Whse. Put-away check box if you want the comment to be copied to a warehouse put-away.

    Any warehouse receipts or warehouse put-aways created from the sales return order will contain the comments that were marked to be copied to the warehouse documents.

The following changes were made to the Comment Sheet window:


Bar Codes


You can now define custom bar code formats, which can be used by the Floor application when scanning and generating labels.

Important: You need to set up your hand-help scanner so that it inserts separators. The separator that was set on the scanner needs to be entered in the GS1 Separator Character (Unicode) field on the Bar Code Setup window.

The following documentation was added for the new bar codes function:

The following changes were made:

  • Bar Code Setup window was added. Specifies the separator to use for GS1 bar codes, and specifies the details for the pre-printed bar codes.

  • Bar Code Types window was added. Lists the available bar code types.

  • Bar Code Type Code Card window was added, which defines the details of the bar code type code. From this window, you can also open the Copy Bar Code Type report, and copy the details from an existing bar code type code.

  • Test Print Bar Code report was added. Allows you to print a bar code for an entry in the Bar Code Tracking Entries window.

  • Test Parse Bar Code window was added. Allows you to see what information JustFoodERP is finding when it parses the bar code.

  • Pre-Print Bar Code Labels report was added. Allows you to pre-print bar code labels. Once the bar code is scanned, you can then enter information that will be stored against that bar code for future use.

  • Bar Code Tracking Entries window was added.

  • The Item Cross Reference Entries window was updated so that the Bar Code Type field is no longer restricted to the cross-reference type of Bar Code.

  • The Bar Code windows were added to the Labels menu (Departments/Administration/Application Setup/Warehouse/Labels).

Internal Movements: Changing the To Unit of Measure and Quantity


When creating an inventory movement from an internal movement, you can now specify a different unit of measure (UOM) for the item being moved. This is useful if you used break bulk when moving items to an INBOUND bin, and you now want to move items back to inventory in the original UOM. For example, salt was picked as BAG but placed in the INBOUND bin as LBS. Any leftover LBS of salt can be moved back into inventory as BAG.

To change the UOM when moving inventory:

Note: In order for this to work, the location needs to be set up for multi-uom bins and to allow break bulk.

  1. Open the Internal Movement List window.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter the following information on the General FastTab:

    1. Select a location.

    2. In the To Bin Code field, select the bin that the item is being moved to.

  4. Enter the following information on the Lines FastTab:

    1. Select the item number.

    2. If not already populated, in the From Bin Code field, select the bin that the item is being moved from.

    3. In the Quantity field, enter the number of items being moved.

    4. In the To Unit of Measure Code field, select the UOM that you want to switch the item to when moving it. The To Quantity field is automatically updated.

  5. Create the inventory movement.

    1. On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Create Inventory Movement.

    2. Click Yes.

    3. Click OK

  6. Open the inventory movement that was just created. The Take line shows the quantity and UOM that was in the From Bin, and the Place line shows the different UOM and adjusted quantity that will be placed in to the To Bin.

The following changes were made to the Internal Movement window:

  • The To Quantity field was added. Indicates the adjusted quantity that will be moved when a value is entered in the To Unit of Measure Code field. The value is based on value in the To Unit of Measure Code field and the item's UOM conversion.

  • The To Unit of Measure Code field was added. If you want to move the item in a UOM that is different than the UOM that is in the bin, then select a value in this field. The available UOM values are based on the UOMs associated with the item. The value selected in this field will affect the value in the To Quantity field.

  • The Create Inventory Movement action was changed to use the new To Quantity and To Unit of Measure Code fields. The value in the To Quantity field will be used for the Quantity field, and the value in the To Unit of Measure Code field will be used for the Unit of Measure field on the Place line for the inventory movement that was created.



Note: If you created custom layouts for the Inventory Label report (23019508), you will need to delete them and recreate new ones in order for a default GS1-128 bar code to be included.

You can now set up the label configuration for item labels, container labels, shipping container labels and posted shipping container labels. Previously, you could only define the label configuration for the item label.

You can now also indicate how many extra copies of a label should be printed.

JustFoodERP will no longer use the built-in label if a label configuration does not exist for the item, vendor and location combination. If a combination does not exist when trying to print a label, you will now receive an error.

When a new company is created, or an upgrade is applied, the following records will be added to the Label Configuration window:

Item Type Source Type Location Type Label Type Report ID
All All All Item 23019508
All All All Container 23019826
All All All Shipping Container 23019822
All All All Posted Shipping Container 23019824

When the Inventory Label report (23019508) is run, it will now look at the Bar Code Types window.

  • If the Default check box is selected for a GS1-128 type, then that bar code format will be used for the center bar code in addition to the applicable item, lot number and serial number bar codes. If an 01 application identifier exists for the default bar code type, and a GTIN has been cross-referenced with an item, then the GTIN will be included in the bar code.

  • If the Default check box is selected for a type other than GS1-128, then the default bar code type will be ignored, and the applicable item, lot number and serial number bar codes will be printed.

  • If the Default check box is NOT selected, the applicable item, lot number and serial number bar codes will be printed.

To define which labels to print:

The following changes were made:

  • A new Labels menu was added (Departments/Administration/Application Setup/Warehouse/Labels).

  • The following changes were made to the Label Configuration window:

    • The window was renamed Label Configuration. It was previously named Label Report Config. Setup.

    • The Label Type field was added, which indicates the type of label the information will apply to.

    • The No. of Copies field was added, which indicates the number of extra labels to print.

    • The All Vendors option was removed from the Source Type field

  • The Inventory Label report was changed as follows:

    • Now looks at the new No. of Copies field.

    • The RDLC layout was removed.

  • On the Container Card window, the following changes were made:

    • The Summary Label action was renamed Label.

    • The Detail Label action was removed.

    • The Label action now looks at the Label Configuration window to see what label to print for the Container label type. You can choose the Container Summary Label (23019825) or the Container Detail Label (23019826).

  • On the Report Selection - Inventory window, the Container Summary and Container Detail options were removed from the Usage field.

  • On the Shipping Container window, the Label action now looks at the Label Configuration window to see what label to print for the Shipping Container label type. You can choose Shipping Container Label (23019821) or Shipping Container Label Detail (23019822).

  •  On the Shipping Container List window, the Label and Label (Batch) actions now look at the Label Configuration window to see what label to print for the Shipping Container label type. You can choose Shipping Container Label (23019821) or Shipping Container Label Detail (23019822).

  • On the Posted Ship. Container window, the Label action now looks at the Label Configuration window to see what label to print for the Posted Shipping Container label type. You can choose Posted Shipping Container Label (23019823) or Posted Shipping Container Label Detail (23019824).

  • On the Posted Ship. Containers List window, the Label and Label (Batch) actions now look at the Label Configuration window to see what label to print for the Posted Shipping Container label type. You can choose Posted Shipping Container Label (23019823) or Posted Shipping Container Label Detail (23019824).

  • The following fields were removed from the Shipping Container Setup window: Ship. Cont. Label, Ship. Cont. Detail Label, Posted Ship. Cont. Label and Posted Ship. Cont. Detail Label

Work Items

The following is a list of work items that were completed in this release:

ID Area Path Severity Changed JF Objects Release Notes
COD 23019453 (new)
COD 230191458
PAG 23019455
PAG 23019482
PAG 23019483
REP 23019450
REP 23019451
TAB 23019450
TAB 23019454
You can now post consumption for family orders in Floor.
PAG 23019975
TAB 23019454
An error sound will now play in Floor when an error occurs. A new "Additional Error Feedback" option has been added to the Floor Setup page.
FLOOR\PLATFORM REP 23019450 "Net Weight" is now shown and editable by default in the following Floor interfaces: Container Pick Line, Pick Line (Classic and Workflow), Put Line and Whse. Receipt Line (Classic and Workflow)."Net Weight to Handle" is no longer shown by default in the following Floor interfaces: Put Line, Pick Line (Classic" and Workflow) and Container Pick Line.
TAB 23019454
The new Floor Pick interface is now being called "guided" instead of "workflow".
57993 FLOOR\PURCHASES AND PAYABLES 3 - Medium N/A In Floor, when a bin is changed from the warehouse receipt, the change is not pushed to JustFoodERP. This has been fixed
59659 FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY 2 - High PAG 23019473 When using the Inventory Movement to move inventory from bin to bin, Floor does not allow the move because the place bin is empty. This has been fixed.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY PAG 23019473 Added a data pane to the new Floor Workflow Pick interface that contains document, item, and lot related information.
TAB 23019453
XML 23019452
Configurable scan fields were added. You will need to (re-)run Initialize Floor Interfaces in order to populate the Input Field data. (Replace Existing Interfaces = FALSE, Show New Fields As Visible = TRUE).
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A Added arrows to allow for scrolling through the input fields.
FLOOR\PURCHASES AND PAYABLES N/A New buttons added at the top of the interface.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A An All Details page was added that can be accessed from the Pick Line Entry page.
TAB 5767
Input fields are now bolded and underlined on the Pick Entry Workflow screen.
PAG 23019443 (new)
PAG 23019473
Picking comments can now be viewed.
PAG 23019975
TAB 23019454
Added a setup to control whether new Floor Workflow page is used for Picks or the Classic Floor page design.
FLOOR\PURCHASES AND PAYABLES N/A Added an assist edit (..) type button to the new Floor Workflow style Pick interface.  This new button will take the user to a new pop-up page.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A Added a single data entry field to the top of the Floor Workflow Pick page, which walks the user through the various fields that need to be entered for the pick line.
COD 23019040 (new)
TAB 23019039 (new)
Created a new barcode info. table that will record relevant item info. when bar codes are scanned or printed. The table contains a Case Id field, which gets incremented when a record is inserted into the table. The Case ID field is a BigInteger field, which gives a higher maximum value than an Integer would give. 
REP 23019450
A new "PlaceBin Scan" input field has been added to the Floor Guided Pick page. "Place Bin Scan" acts the same way as the existing "Take Bin Scan" field, except that it verifies the place instead of take bin. You must rebuild your Floor Interfaces with "Show New Fields as Visible" in order to enable this feature.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A A new "About" link was added to the new top right assist-edit “..” button pop-up on the Floor Receipt and Pick Workflow pages. This opens the standard Floor About page.
PAG 23019455
PAG 23019476
PAG 23019975
PAG 23019450
TAB 23019453
TAB 23019454
TAB 7317
A new workflow page was created for warehouse receipts. The Initialize Floor Interfaces routine on the Floor Setup page needs to be re-run in order to create the new WHRCPT_LINE_WF interface. To use the new design, set Warehouse Receipt Line to "Workflow" on the Interfaces FastTab of the Floor Setup page.
COD 23019456
COD 23019472 (new)
PAG 23019452
PAG 23019473
PAG 23019506 (new)
REP 23019450
TAB 23019045 (new)
TAB 23019068 (new)
TAB 23019453
TAB 23019459 (new)
TAB 5467
TAB 5767
TAB 6502
XML 23019454 (new)
XML 23019454
When picking and scanning in Floor, the new GUID barcode information table should be used to apply the split line functionality on the pick, and insert the GUID into the serial no. field on the pick.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY PAG 23019476 On the new Floor workflow pages, you can now see if comments exist for receipts.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY REP 23019450 On the new Floor Workflow Pick interface, a new link has been added to the ".." assist edit button called Comments, below the existing Line Details option. The new link takes you to a new page that shows the Comment Details.
COD 14000602
COD 23019450
COD 23019456
COD 23019458
COD 23019473 (new)
PAG 23019473
PAG 5771
PAG 5780
PAG 7316
PAG 7376
PAG 7378
PAG 7383
TAB 5767
On the new Warehouse Picking Guided interface, you can now split lines.
TAB 5767
You can now delete lines from the new Warehouse Picks Guided interface.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A On the new Warehouse Receiving workflow interface, you can now see more detailed comments.
REP 23019450
TAB 23019453
XML 23019451
XML 23019452
On the new Warehouse Receiving workflow interface, you can now go to the Item Tracking page.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A On the new Warehouse Receiving workflow interface, you can now go to the Quality Audits page.
REP 23019450
In the new Floor Pick Workflow interface, the following fields are dynamically hidden (overriding the Floor Interface "Editable/Show" settings) for the listed conditions:

Lot No. - hidden if the Item is not Lot Tracked
Serial No. - hidden if the Item is not Serial Tracked
Net Weight - hidden if the Item is not a Variable Weight Item
PAG 23019476
REP 23019450
In the new Floor Receiving Workflow interface, the following fields are dynamically hidden (overriding the Floor Interface "Editable/Show" settings) for the listed conditions:

Lot No. - hidden if the Item is not Lot Tracked
Serial No. - hidden if the Item is not Serial Tracked
Net Weight - hidden if the Item is not a Variable Weight Item
Expiration Date - hidden if the Item Tracking is not "Man.Expir. Date Entry Reqd."
Production Date - hidden if the Item Lot Algorithm's "Date to Use" is not "Production Date"
COD 23019458
COD 23019468
COD 23019500
COD 23019570
COD 23019788
PAG 23019027
PAG 23019476
PAG 23019546
PAG 6510
REP 23019450
TAB 23019453
TAB 23019787
XML 23019452
The main input field in the Floor Receiving Workflow page now shows default values for certain Item Tracking data:

*  Lot No. if number series is defined or lot algorithm is used.
*  Serial No. if number series is defined.
*  Expiration Date if a default date calculation is set up.
*  Country of Origin if default values are turned on These default values show in different font style (grey italics, in square brackets) The default values may be overwritten by the user.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY TAB 7317 On the new Floor Receiving Workflow interface, the receiving UOM is now displayed to the right of the input field when incrementing the quantity to receive. A new option was also added to the Assist button, which allows you to change the UOM.
XML 23019451
Country of Origin support has been added to the Floor "Workflow" Warehouse Receiving page.
REP 23019450
TAB 23019453
XML 23019452
The new Guided windows automatically open in Scan mode, which allows users to scan a label, which will read the label information and populate the relevant fields in Floor.
FLOOR\PURCHASES AND PAYABLES PAG 23019473 Added the Container No. field on the data pane for the new Pick Workflow style page in floor.
COD 23019028
COD 23019750
COD 23019751
PAG 23019750
PAG 23019752
PAG 23019834
REP 23019825
REP 23019826
Floor was updated to use the container labels set up in the Label Report Config Setup window.
COD 23019041
COD 23019472,
PAG 23019473
PAG 23019476
REP 23019450
TAB 23019039
TAB 23019459
Single-scan barcode scanning can now be performed from the new Warehouse Receipt guided pages.
COD 23019037
COD 23019041
COD 23019470
COD 23019472
MEN 1059
REP 23019045 (new)
TAB 23019039
TAB 230129064
TAB 23019065 (new)
In Floor, the Single-Scan input field will search for barcode information in the JustFoodERP Bar Code Type window. When scanning, the function uses the following hierarchy: matching GUID, matching bar code where the bar code type is not blank, and match bar code where the bar code type is blank.
COD 23019041
COD 23019472
MEN 1059
PAG 23019049
PAG 23019165
PAG 23019166
PAG 23019167 (new)
PAG 23019168 (new)
REP 23019450
TAB 23019049
TAB 23019062
TAB 23019064
TAB 23019065
XML 23019454
You can now create a variety of bar code types to represent different types of bar codes that you will be scanning. You can also test parse a bar code to see what data is contained within the bar code.
COD 23019037
COD 23019041
PAG 209
TAB 204
Added the single scan code functionality to the Warehouse Receipts Guided interface.
REP 23019450
For the new Floor interfaces, the default interfaces have been changed to be usable out of the box.
COD 23019040
COD 23019041
COD 23019042
COD 23019455
MEN 1059
PAG 23019167
PAG 23019176 (new)
PAG 23019452
PAG 23019506
REP 23019045
TAB 23019039
TAB 23019459
XML 23019454
For the bar code functionality, all references to GUID were removed. The table is now called Bar Code Tracking, and can be accessed through JustFoodERP.
TAB 23019453
XML 23019452
The Section field was added in the background, which allows Floor to loop through certain fields on the Guided interfaces.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY COD 23019472 When using the "Single Scan" field in the Floor Guided interface, you can only re-use the vendor bar code if the following conditions are met:

*  It has either GS1 AI container data (00) or a GS1 AI serial number (21) 
*  The bar code has not previously been used for receiving
PAG 23019975
TAB 23019454
The Label Default No. of Copies field was removed from the Floor Setup window.
FLOOR\WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY COD 23019455 For Floor Guided Receiving, some processes now save serial numbers in the Bar Code Tracking table, even if the item is not set up for Warehouse or Inventory serial tracking.
58970 FINANCE 2 - High COD 5895 A list of duplicate rounding entries appears in the value entry table for the Item charges when the system run the adjust cost. This has been fixed.
58845 FINANCE 3 - Medium COD 5896 The item cost adjustment routing is placing the value of the item charge, which was applied to the output, back into a WIP item. This was fixed by making the item cost adjustment routing ignore these charges since they are not part of the production costing mechanism.
58849 FINANCE 3 - Medium COD 21 Issues were occurring with average costs. These have been fixed.
COD 22
COD 5407
COD 7302
PAG 9327
PAG 99000823
PAG 99000846
PAG 99000867
TAB 5405
TAB 83
Added the ability to reopen finished production orders, which allows users to post output and/or consumption, and then finish the order again once complete.
61338 MANUFACTURING 1 - Critical COD 6500
REP 23019182
TAB 338
TAB 7302
When the full bin consumption routine is run, it creates item tracking, but does not populate the weight for variable weight items. This has been fixed.
58448 MANUFACTURING 2 - High COD 23019060 When displaying Overhead Categories totals on the Item and SKU cards, the starting and ending dates were not being considered. This has been resolved. (WORKDATE is used as the calculation date.)
57967 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium COD 23019030
PAG 30
Fixed some issues with the Overhead Categories on the Item Card. After drilling down into the Item Overhead Categories page and changing data, the Overhead Categories total on the Item Card was not immediately being refreshed. This has been resolved. Limiting totals on the Item Card with the item's Location Filter was not correctly displaying the total for the SKU. This has been resolved.
58035 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium COD 23019524
REP 23019525
Results that show in Alternate Cost Worksheet should only show those items that contain the component selected on the Roll Up Alternate Cost dialog window but items that don't require components are also showing up on the list. This has been fixed by adding the All Component Levels option to the Roll Up Alternate Cost report.
58152 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium PAG 31 The Production BOM Components Factbox on the Item list was not considering BOM versions. This has been fixed.
58319 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium TAB 99000779 Receive an error when trying to refresh a production order with multiple versions. This has been fixed.
58398 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium COD 7302 The Description field was not being populated on warehouse entries for consumption. This has been fixed.
58492 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium COD 99000318 When creating a released production order from the planning worksheet and then checking the routing lines, the To-Production Bin Code field was blank on all records.
59041 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium COD 22 When posting from the Consumption Journal, a "Lot No. is required" error would sometimes occur. This has been fixed.
57012 MANUFACTURING 4 - Low PAG 99000919 When I select View by Accounting Period on the Production Forecast and then open the import history, instead of seeing Item Analysis Period Type = Accounting Period and Production Forecast Period Type = Accounting Period, I see the number 5. This has been fixed.
60463 MANUFACTURING 4 - Low COD 23019017 When creating Reclass. Journal Entries from C/AL, an error related to the expiration date was occurring. This has been fixed.
COD 23019060 (new)
MEN 1059
PAG 23019163 (new)
PAG 23019164 (new)
PAG 30
PAG 5700
TAB 23019060 (new)
TAB 23019061 (new)
TAB 39
TAB 83
Can assign overhead categories to an item to allow for the breakdown of manufacturing overheads across multiple accounts.
COD 99000787
PAG 23019996 (new)
PAG 99000790
PAG 99000791
PAG 99000792
PAG 99000818
PAG 99000831
PAG 99000832
REP 23019999
REP 99001025
TAB 5406
TAB 5407
TAB 99000773
TAB 99000774
Added the ability to specify a routing on a family line, and a BOM to a family header.
COD 99000769
COD 99000773
COD 99000813
PAG 99000769
PAG 99000788
PAG 99000790
REP 23019521
TAB 23019506 (deleted)
TAB 23019507 (deleted)
TAB 5405
TAB 99000765
TAB 99000771
TAB 99000772
TAB 99000773
Obsolete family fields and functions were removed.
PAG 23019992 (new)
PAG 99000790
PAG 99000791
TAB 23019992 (new)
TAB 99000773
The Family Group Code field was added to the Family header and Families List page.
COD 22
COD 23019507 (new)
COD 23019509 (new)
COD 23019511 (new)
 COD 5407
COD 5431
COD 5510
COD 5895
COD 5896
COD 6520
COD 99000769
COD 99000773
COD 99000813
MEN 1059
PAG 23019990 (new) 
PAG 23019991 (new) 
PAG 23019994 (new)
PAG 23019995 (new) 
PAG 23019996 (new)
PAG 23019997 (new)
PAG 23019998 (new)
PAG 99000768
PAG 99000788
PAG 99000790
PAG 99000791
PAG 99000792
PAG 99000831
PAG 99000832
PAG 99000852
QUE 23019011 (new)
QUE 23019025 (new)
QUE 23019027
REP 23019997 (new)
REP 23019999 (new)
REP 990001017
REP 99001020
TAB 23019509 (new) 
TAB 23019997 (new)
TAB 246
TAB 27
TAB 5406
TAB 5407
TAB 99000763
TAB 99000765
TAB 99000771
TAB 99000772
TAB 99000773
TAB 99000774
TAB 99000829
Added the ability to run the planning worksheet for family production orders.
COD 99000787
TAB 246
The family BOM cost distribution % on production orders defaults from the family if populated.
PAG 23019164
TAB 23019061
TAB 39
TAB 83
Item Overhead Rates page to have the following new fields: Starting Date and Ending Date. Items posted with overhead rates will use the rates specified based on the posting date used.
PAG 5700
Overhead categories on SKUs are now similar to the same fields on the Item card.
MANUFACTURING TAB 99000773 Added a check when changing the status of a Family to certified to ensure that that BOM cost dist. % values sum to 100%.
PAG 99000832
PAG 99000868
The use of the family BOM cost dist. % field is restricted on the release production order lines.
MANUFACTURING REP 23019999 Added the ability to reset the Family BOM Cost Dist. % field on production orders back to the Family defaults.
COD 23019500
COD 23019570
TAB 5405
TAB 5407
Calc. Consumption will create families from Component Lines.
MANUFACTURING REP 23019182 Calc. Full Bin Consumption report will add entries from Components Lines families.
PAG 5510
The Production Journal can now handle families.
COD 99000773
PAG 5703
PAG 9900754
PAG 99000760
TAB 14
TAB 5407
TAB 5409
TAB 99000754
TAB 99000758
Added set up for creating algorithm day Bins To-production bin on the location, work center and machine center. This identifies that the to-production bin has a "day bin" so when the production order is created the components have this day bin.
TAB 5405
TAB 246
Production orders cannot be created for uncertified families.
COD 23019509
COD 99000809
COD 99000813
PAG 23019991
PAG 23019996
PAG 99000814
PAG 9900816
PAG 99000818
PAG 99000830
PAG 99000852
PAG 99000862
TAB 246
TAB 5405
TAB 99000773
TAB 99000829
TAB 246
TAB 5405
TAB 99000773
TAB 99000829
When a production order is created from a planning worksheet, the family components also get populated.
PAG 99000792
TAB 99000773
The Expected Output Weight field was added to the header on the Family window. The field cannot be edited, and is updated as the user updated the family lines.
PAG 23019993 (new)
PAG 30
PAG 31
From the Item card and Items List window, you can now see the families that an item is used in.
TAB 99000772
You can now update the Quantity (Alt. UOM) field on the Production BOM window, which will update to Quantity Per field.
PLATFORM 3 - Medium COD 132203
COD 134975
Some automated tests are failing because the userid in the test environment is longer than 20 characters. This has been fixed.
PLATFORM 3 - Medium COD 23019028
COD 23019751
PAG 23019149
TAB 23019033
The All Vendors option was removed from the Label Report Config. Setup window.
PAG 23025098 (new)
Added the ability to run the sessions windows in a cloud environment. Previously, the dev client was starting when the sessions page is started and that doesn't work in the cloud.
COD 7313
PAG 66
REP 5753
TAB 43
You can now copy comments on a purchase order to put-aways and receipts created from that order.
PAG 23019031
TAB 338
Vendor related details were added to the Inventory Overview window.
59497 QUALITY MANAGEMENT 4 - Low REP 23019211 Incorrect filtering was occurring for the Calc. Quality Hold Lines report. This has been fixed.
60803 RAPIDSTART 1 - Critical COD 23019029 Add the following tables to the Clean Company function:

23019039 Bar Code Tracking
23019045 Warehouse Activity Line Detail
23019068 Integer Auto Serial Number
23019509 Family Prod. Process Order
23019997 Family Production Line.
59751 REBATES 3 - Medium PAG 23019656
PAG 23019754
Some rebate ledger entries could not be posted to the vendor ledger because they were not visible in the page used to process them. This has been fixed. The Claim Reference No field was also added to the Reg. Vend. GL Rebate Ldg subform.
58065 REPORTING 3 - Medium REP 10112 On the 1099MISC report (10112), if the City, County, State and Zip are more than 30 characters, then the state and zip code are excluded from the report.
58402 REPORTING 3 - Medium REP 10403 On Deposit report (10403), the deposit total was doubling for each application entry. This has been fixed.
58411 SALES AND MARKETING 2 - High COD 7000 Calculated price is not being calculated correctly on sales price calculations. This has been fixed.
58934 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium COD 7000
TAB 37
The Sales Price Calculations were not considering the location when displaying unit price excl. tax on the sales order and in the Sales price Calculation window. This has been fixed.
59044 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium REP 23019650 When posting sales rebates (Departments> Sales & Marketing> Rebates> Post Rebates), the Post Rebates Report (Rpt 23019650) gives an error if the Rebate Description field longer than 30 characters. This has been fixed.
59403 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium COD 23019508 When posting a warehouse shipment, a record extension already exists error was occurring. This occurred when the function to write the record extension to the posted document is called more than once. This has been fixed.
59647 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium COD 23019031
COD 23019820
PAG 130
PAG 23019169 (new)
PAG 23019823
PAG 23019837
PAG 42
PAG 5743
PAG 6650
PAG 7337
REP 23019821
REP 23019822
REP 23019823
REP 23019825
TAB 23019820
TAB 23019823
TAB 5744
TAB 6650
TAB 7322
Multiple issues were fixed for shipping containers.

 *  You are no longer directed to an incorrect page when viewing shipping containers from posted warehouse shipment.

 *  When a shipping container was generated from a warehouse shipment, you could not get to the posted shipping container details form the posted source document (sales shipment, return shipment, transfer shipment). This has been fixed.

 *  Open shipping container labels no longer error if printing for a shipping container that was generated from a warehouse shipment.

 *  Posted shipping container labels no longer error if printing for a shipping container that was generated from a warehouse shipment.

 *  The shipping container number was always being changed on posting which caused issues if the label was printed prior to posting. This has been changed to only change the number if the open number already exists on the posted side, otherwise the original open shipping container number will be used.

 *  On the Shipping Container Setup window, the Barcode Nos. field was renamed Label Serial Nos.

 *  Improved error messages are displayed when generating shipping container barcodes

 *  More controls were put in place to check data validation in the hardcoded data.

 *  Shipping container labels now use the GS1 barcode functionality.
59807 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium TAB 6 Renaming a customer price group would clear out the prices. This has been fixed.
COD 7313
PAG 67
REP 5753
TAB 44
TAB 5770
You can now copy comments on a sales order to picks and shipments created from that order.
COD 7171
PAG 23019771
PAG 30
PAG 31
PAG 9087
PAG 95
TAB 23019765
TAB 27
You can now see the sale pricing by item and item group from the Item card.
59637 WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY 2 - High COD 7312 Depending on the order of the lines on a warehouse shipment, the pick would not include the non-tracked items on the pick. This has been fixed.
59400 WAREHOUSE AND INVENTORY 3 - Medium COD 23019823 When releasing a shipping container, the warehouse item tracking lines were not being deleted.
COD 23019750
An error message was not being displayed on the Item Reclass Journal when a lot number was reclassed to a new blank lot number. This has been fixed.
60287 WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY 3 - Medium COD 23019552
COD 23019820
PAG 23019562
PAG 23019563
TAB 23019526
Unable to view posted shipping containers from posted direct transfers. This has been fixed by adding the Shipping Containers option to the Posted Direct Transfer window.
60347 WAREHOUSE AND INVENTORY 3 - Medium PAG 5771 The container number was not showing on the Put-away sub-page. This has been fixed.
60457 WAREHOUSE AND INVENTORY 3 - Medium COD 7307 Shipping containers were being created for put-aways. This has been fixed.
REP 23019009
The Open Whse Shipment Word layout report 23019009 and Posted Whse Shipment Word layout report 23019008 both have the lot detail and footer weight UOM hard coded to KG. This has been fixed to pull the information from the standard weight UOM on the Inventory Setup.
PAG 7398
TAB 5767
TAB 7347
"To" fields were added for the quantity and UOM on the lines of an internal movement.
WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A Added the ability to perform production order picking for family BOM components.
WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY N/A You can now perform inventory movements for family BOM components.
TAB 99000773
TAB 99000774
You can now add an alternate quantity and alternate UOM to the family lines on the Family window, which allows users to enter values in the non-base UOM.
WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY COD 99000831 Picks now take reserved lots into consideration when reservations are used, and then consider FEFO.
PAG 23019149
PAG 23019750
PAG 23019752
TAB 23019033
You can now set up different label types and the number of copies to be printed in the Label Report Config. Setup window.
COD 23019028
COD 23019750
COD 23019751
COD 23019820
PAG 23019750
PAG 23019752
REP 23019825
REP 23019826
TAB 23019033
The existing summary and detail containers labels were updated to work the Label Report Configuration Setup table.
COD 23019028
PAG 23019750
PAG 23019752
REP 23019508
The Inventory Label report can now print multiple copies of the label report, and Word is now the default layout.
COD 23019037 (new)
COD 23019041 (new)
COD 23019075
MEN 1059
PAG 2319049
PAG 23019165 (new)
PAG 23019166 (new)
REP 23019044 (new)
TAB 23019049
TAB 23019062 (new)
 TAB 23019063 (new)
TAB 23019064 (new)
TAB 5717
You can now define the mappings that will be used by Floor when scanning labels.
WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY PAG 5754TAB 77 Report selections for Summary and Detail labels were removed from the Inventory report selections.
COD 23019041
REP 23019508
The Inventory Label Report (REP 23019508) now prints the default bar code.
COD 23019751
COD 23019820
COD 365
COD 90
PAG 23019750
PAG 23019752
PAG 23019820
PAG 23019821
PAG 23019822
PAG 23019823
PAG 23019826
PAG 23019827
PAG 23019828
PAG 5752
REP 23019821
REP 23019822
REP 23019823
REP 23019824
TAB 23019033
TAB 23019823
TAB 23019825
Shipping container labels were updated to use the label configuration setup table.
COD 23019037
COD 23019470
COD 23019751
MEN 1059
PAG 23019149
PAG 23019168
TAB 23019033
TAB 23019064
A new Labels menu was added, which allows you to access the Label Configurations and Bar Code windows.
COD 23019075
When a new company is created, the following lines are automatically set up in the Label Configuration table:
  • Item Label = Inventory Label (230195080).
  • Container Label = Container Label (23019826).
  • Shipping Container Label = Container Label (23019822).
  • Posted Shipping Container Label = Container Label (23019824).
COD 23019037
COD 23019041
COD 23019042 (new)
COD 23019455
COD 23019472
COD 37044504 (new)
MEN 1059
PAG 23019168
REP 23019046 (new)
TAB 23019039
TAB 23019064
A number series was set up for pre-printed bar code labels.
PAG 23019167
You can now test parse a bar code to see the data related to the bar code.
WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY REP 23019508 The RDLC layout was removed from the Inventory Label report.
60741 PLANT 2 - High PAG 23019492 The Material Output Options page was displaying the lot number even if the item wasn't tracked. This has been fixed.
60742 PLANT 2 - High N/A The Material Output page was displayed the Net Weight even when the item was not a variable weight item. This has been fixed.
57283 PLANT 3 - Medium N/A New buttons added at the top of the interface.
60164 PLANT\MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium N/A Users were not prevented from accessing the calendar when a device had not been selected from the Options screen. This has been fixed.
60607 PLANT 3 - Medium TAB 23019469 The caption for the Container No. Series on the Plant Device Configuration window was incorrect. This has been fixed.
COD 23019468
XML 23019463
You can now post consumption against family production orders in Plant.
PAG 23019492
PAG 23019497
XML 23019469
You can now post output for family production orders.
COD 23019468
XML 23019469
Plant will now use the Label Types and No. of Copies defined on the Label Configuration window.
59090 SCHEDULER 3 - Medium N/A The Shortage indicator was always green on Scheduler views. This has been fixed.
XML 23019490
Improvements were made to Scheduler that allow users to move production orders without having a long delay.