These Release Notes explain the JustFoodERP fixes and new functions that are in this release.

Some of the new functions have a short video clip demonstrating the changes. Look for the icon. A single video has also been created, which includes all of the video clips in a single video file: JustFoodERP 2015 FP2 SP1 Release Video.

For release information related to the JustFoodERP applications, see What's New for JustFoodERP 2015 Feature Pack 2 Service Pack 1 Applications.

This release was tested on a JustFoodERP environment that had Microsoft Dynamics NAV cumulative update 12.



The following changes were made for the Commissions functionality:

  • On the Customer Commission Salesperson window (via Customer Card>Commissioned Salespeople), you can only select the Sync with Sales Document check box if the Commission Type is Salesperson.

  • When creating a Sales document, if a Commissioned Salespeople record is created (due to the Sync with Sales Document check box being selected), the Salesperson Code field on the Sales document is updated to match the Commissioned Salespeople record.

  • When Create doc. w. User Salesperson is selected on the Sales & Receivables Setup window, and a Salesperson Code is defined on the Approval User Setup window (via Approval Setup window) for the logged-in user, then that salesperson code will be the Sales document's default salesperson over the synched commissioned salesperson.


The description of the Whse. Shipment Pick Create field on the Floor Setup window was updated to indicate that when the check box is cleared, the Default Whse. Shipment Qty. to Ship field must be set to Blank on the Warehouse Shipment window.


Simple Forecasting


Several changes were made to the Production Forecast function:

  • You can now populate a forecast using sales or component history. The Import History action on the Production Forecast window allows you to define what data to analyze.

  • You can now filter the type of entries that are displayed on the Production Forecast window. You can choose to filter on All, Sales History, Component History or Manual

  • You can now see more information about a forecast entry because new fields were added to the Production Forecast Entries window.

To create a forecast using history,

The following changes were made:


To see how all of the new RapidStart functions work together, you can look at the following: 

Change the Status of a Company 


You can now indicate if a company is a production, testing, or development environment. Companies with a status of Production will block certain RapidStart functions from being performed.

To change the status of a company:

The following changes were made:

  • The Status field was added to the Companies page. The field is used to indicate if the company is a production, testing, or development environment.

  • The Change Company Status action was added to the Companies page. Clicking this action opens the new Change Company Status window.

  • The Change Company Status window was created, which allows you to change the status of a company.

Create a Clean Company


You can now create a clean company by creating a copy of an existing company, and then easily deleting the transaction data associated with that company. This is useful when you have a PILOT company, and you want to create a second PILOT company that keeps the setup data but not the transaction data. 

To create a clean company:

The following changes were made to allow you create a clean company:

  • The Create Clean Company Package action was added to the Configuration Packages window. Clicking this action opens the Create Clean Company Package window, which allows you to create a Clean Company package, which is pre-populated with a list of JustFoodERP tables that contain transaction data. Once the Clean Company package is created, you can add or delete tables as required. You can then run the Delete Database Data action from the Config. Package Card window to delete the data in the listed tables.

  • The Create Clean Company Package window was added, which allows you to define the package code and name for the new Clean Company package. The Clean Company package is pre-populated with a list of JustFoodERP tables that contain transaction data.

Copy Database Data to a Configuration Package


You can now copy database data to a configuration package. Once you've copied data to the package, you can delete or edit data from the Config. Package Card without having to export data to and reimport from Excel. When copying data to a package, the data is also validated.

To copy database data to a configuration package:

The following changes were made:

  • The Get Database Data action was added to the Configuration Packages window, and the Configuration Package Records window. Clicking this action copies the database records to the selected configuration package.

  • The Config Package Card window was changed as follows:

    • The Get Database Data action was added to the ribbon. Clicking this action copies all of the existing database records into the package data for each of the tables. The data is validated as it is copied. In the Tables FastTab, the No. of Package Records field will show the number of records that were successfully copied, and the No. of Package Errors field will show if any errors occurred with the copied data.

    • The Copy Database Data to Package Data action was added to the Functions button in the Tables FastTab. Clicking this action copies all existing database records directly into the package data for each of the selected tables.

Delete Database Data via a Configuration Package

Delete Database Data using the Package Data      Delete Database Data using an Excel Spreadsheet      Delete Database Data with NO Validation

You now have the ability to delete data through a configuration package. There are several ways to delete database date:

  • Delete database data using the package data. This can be done for a company with any status. The data is validated to ensure that other records will not be affected.

  • Delete database data when importing an Excel spreadsheet. This can be done for a company with any status. The data is validated to ensure that other records will not be affected.

  • Delete database data with no validation. This can only be done for companies that have a status of Testing or Development on the Companies window. You would typically delete data this way when you want to create a clean company.

Note: You can only delete data from tables that you are licensed to access.

To delete database via a Configuration Package:

The following changes were made: 

  • The Import Type as Column was added to the Config. Worksheet window. Select the check box to add the Import Type column to the end of the Excel template when exporting to Excel. The Import Type column can have a value of Modify (default) or Delete. When the Excel spreadsheet is imported into the worksheet and the package is applied, Modify will modify any existing data and Delete will delete any existing data.

  • The Import Type field was added to the Config Package Fields window. This check box is only selected for the Import Type line. In order for the Import Type line to be included on the Config. Package Fields window, you need to first select Import Type as Column on the Config. Worksheet window.

    When the Include Field check box is selected for the Import Type line, the Import Type column will be added to the Excel spreadsheet when you export to Excel. The Import Type column can have a value of Modify (default) or Delete. When the Excel spreadsheet is imported into the worksheet and the package is applied, Modify will modify any existing data and Delete will delete any existing data if the validation passes.

    Note: If you use the Clear Included action to clear all of the Include Field check boxes, make sure that you reselect the Include Field for the Import Type line, otherwise the Import Type column will not be included in the exported Excel spreadsheet.

  • The following changes were made to the Config Package Records window (accessed via Config. Package Card>Tables FastTab>Table>Package Data)

    • The Set Delete in Database action was added. Clicking this action selects all of the Delete in Database check boxes.

    • The Clear Delete in Database action was added. Clicking this action clears all of the Delete in Database check boxes.

    • The Delete in Database field was added. Select this check box to indicate that the record should be deleted from the database when the package is applied. Note: You can only delete data from tables that you are licensed to access.

  • The following changes were made to the Config. Package Card window: 

    • The Import Type as Column was added to the FastTab. Select the check box to add the Import Type column to the end of the Excel template when exporting to Excel. The Import Type column can have a value of Modify (default) or Delete. When the Excel spreadsheet is imported into the worksheet and the package is applied, Modify will modify any existing data and Delete will delete any existing data.

    • Delete Database Data action was added to the ribbon. Clicking this action will delete all of the data in the package. Database data can only be deleted for companies that have a status of Testing or Development on the Companies window. Warning: This function does NOT run data deletion integrity checks. Data will be deleted regardless of whether other data will be impacted.

    • The Delete Database Data action was added to the Functions button in the Tables FastTab. Database data can only be deleted for companies that have a status of Testing or Development on the Companies window. Warning: This function does NOT run data deletion integrity checks. Data will be deleted regardless of whether other data will be impacted.

Copy Custom Report Layouts


When you copy a company, the custom report layouts are now copied to the new company.  You can also manually copy custom report layout selections to companies from the Report Selection Layout window.

To manually copy custom report layouts to an existing company:

  1. Open the Report Layout Selection window.

    Navigate to Departments/Administration/IT Administration/Reports/Report Layout Selection.

  2. Select the reports for which you want to copy custom report layouts. Tip: Use <Ctrl+click> to select more than one report.

    The Company Name field for the custom report layout needs to be the company that you're currently in, otherwise the custom report layouts will not be copied.

  3. On the Actions tab, choose Copy Custom Layouts.

  4. Select the company that you want to copy the custom layouts to.

  5. Click OK.

    The custom report layouts are copied from the current company to the selected company. 

The following changes were made:

  • The Copy Custom Layouts action was added to the Report Layout Selection page. Clicking this action opens the Copy Custom Reports window, which allows you to select the company that you want to copy the selected report layouts to.

  • The Copy action on the Companies page was changed to also copy custom report layouts when copying a company.

  • The Copy Custom Reports window was added.

Populate Net Weight


You can now use the OPENING INVENTORY package to populate the net weight without having using item tracking.

To use RapidStart to populate the Net Weight field:

  1. Open the Configuration Packages window.

  2. Open the OPENING INVENTORY package. This package is added when a new company is created.

  3. Add the Net Weight field. You need to select the Net Weight field so that it is visible on the Excel spreadsheet.

    1. Select the Item Journal Line record.

    2. In the Tables FastTab, choose Table>Fields. The Config. Package Field window opens.

    3. Select the Include Field check box for the Net Weight field (23019000).

    4. Click OK.

  4. Export the Item Journal Line records to Excel.

    Note: Prior to performing this step, you may want to populate the Item Journal window with the items that you want to add net weight to so that the correct data will already be in the Excel spreadsheet. The entry type should be Positive Adjmt.

    1. Select the Item Journal Line record.

    2. In the Tables FastTab, choose Excel>Export to Excel.

    3. Click Yes.

    4. Enter a name for the file, and click Save.

  5. Populate the Excel spreadsheet.

    1. Open the Excel spreadsheet that you just created.

    2. Delete any lines that you are not updating.

    3. Make note of the Journal Batch Name.

    4. Enter values in the Lot No. field.

    5. Enter the total net weight of the item in the Net Weight field.

      Note: If the Net Weight field is blank, then the net weight will be inherited from the item card. If the Net Weight field is zero (0), then the net weight will remain zero.

    6. Enter TRUE in the Post Using Line-Level Lot No. field for all items that you want to add the net weight to. This will allow you to post the records from the Item Journal without having to add item tracking.

    7. Save the spreadsheet.

  6. Import the Excel spreadsheet.

    1. From the OPENING INVENTORY Config. Package Card window, select the Item Journal Line record.

    2. In the Tables FastTab, choose Excel>Import from Excel.

    3. Select the Excel spreadsheet that you just saved, and click Open. The value in the No. of Package Records field is updated once the spreadsheet is imported.

  7. Apply the data.

    1. Select the Item Journal Line record.

    2. In the Tables FastTab, choose Functions>Apply Data.

    3. Click Yes.

    4. Click OK.

  8. Post the items to inventory.

    1. Open the Item Journal window.

    2. Select the Batch Name that corresponds with the batch name in the Excel spreadsheet.

      Note: If you want to see the lot number and net weight associated with the line, click the Down arrow beside the Home tab, select Help>About this Page, and find the Lot No. and Net Weight fields on the Table Fields FastTab.

    3. On the Home tab, choose Post.

    4. Click Yes to post the journal lines.

      The items have now been added to inventory.

The following changes were made:

  • When posting from the Item Journal window, the net weight will now be posted when the Post Using Line-Level Lot No. field (hidden field) is set to TRUE.


Word Reports


Important: Use caution when importing report layouts from other releases. If a report layout was changed between releases, the report layouts from another release may NOT be compatible with the report layouts in this release.

All JustFoodERP Word reports were given new names so that you can more easily identify them as Word reports. Any JF Word reports that were associated with base NAV reports have now been separated from the NAV report. Any built-in RDLC report layouts, that existed for these reports, have been removed.

All of the JustFoodERP Word reports have been reformatted to provide a consistent layout and database structure.

The following reports have been updated:

Report Selections


When a new company is created, the Word reports will now be the default report selections on the Report Selection-Sales window and the Report Selection-Purchase window.

To define the Sales report selections for an existing company:

  1. Open the Report Selection - Sales window.

  2. For the Quote usage, select report ID 23019010.

  3. For the Order usage, select report ID 23019011.

  4. For the Invoice usage, select report ID 23019012.

  5. For the Credit Memo usage, select report ID 23019013.

  6. Click OK.

To define the Purchase report selections for an existing company:

  1. Open the Report Selection - Purchase window.

  2. For the Order usage, select report ID 23019004.

  3. Click OK.

The following changes were made:

  • When a new company is created, the Report Selection-Sales window is populated as follows:

    • Quote usage is populated with the 23019010 report ID
    • Order usage is populated with the 23019011 report ID
    • Invoice usage is populated with the 23019012 report ID
    • Credit Memo usage is populated with the 23019013 report ID
  • When a new company is created, the Report Selection-Purchase window is populated as follows:

    • Order usage is populated with the 23019004 report ID

Bakery Batch Worksheet Report (NEW)

The Bakery Batch Worksheet report (23019028) was added. This report is for batch consumption and manually records lots and quantities of components.

Check (Check/Stub/Stub) Report (NEW)

The Check (Check/Stub/Stub) report (23019084) was added. The report prints checks for the entries in the payment journal in a check/stub/stub format.

Inventory Aging by Lot Report (NEW)

The Inventory Aging by Lot report (23019015) was added. The report shows how many days a lot has been in inventory.

Inventory Expiry Analysis Report (UPDATED)

The Inventory Expiry Analysis report (23019502) was updated. The report identifies items that are expired or almost expired.

The report was changed so that you can now filter by Variant and Location.

Item Lot Rounding Report (NEW)

The Item Lot Rounding report (23019014) was added. The report shows lots with a zero quantity and a value. You have the option to process the lot rounding, which creates a rounding entry using the same posting period logic as the adjust cost routine, and respects the inventory setup for auto-cost posting, and then posts to the G/L. 

Item Usage 10 Week Report (UPDATED)

The Item Usage 10 Week report (23019005) was updated. The report shows all of the items that were sold or used in a ten week period. 

The report was changed so that you can now filter by Variant and Location.

Item Valuation Rec. Lot Report (NEW)

The Item Valuation Rec. Lot report (23019037) was added. The report shows the item summary and the lot detail valuation.

Item Valuation Rec. (Net Change) Report (NEW)

The Item Valuation Rec. (Net Chg) report (23019035) was added. The report compares the inventory sub-ledger to the G/L (net change).

Item Valuation to GL Rec. Report (NEW)

The Item Valuation to GL Rec. report (23019036) was added. The report compares the inventory sub-ledger to the G/L inventory account balances.

Machine Ctr. Sched. by Lot Size Report (NEW)

The Machine Ctr. Sched. by Lot Size report (23019017) was added. The report shows a machine center's schedule according to lot size. The report shows the start time and run time of each batch of a larger production run. The report needs to be run against a WIP item that has batches.

Machine Ctr. Sched. by UOMs Report (NEW)

The Machine Ctr. Sched. by UOMs report (23019018) was added. The report shows how many pieces are to be run by operation. This report is often used for a finished goods schedule.

Prev. Maintenance History (FA) Report (NEW)

The Prev. Maintenance History (FA) report (23019254) was added. This report shows the past work orders by fixed assets.

Production Yield Report (NEW)

The Production Yield report (23019029) was added. The report shows yield by item category/product group with the option to see by production order. It also compares actual to expected based on actual output and actual consumption (i.e. the report is not looking at planned production quantity). The report only focuses on finished production orders.

Salesperson Sales by Customer Report (NEW)

The Salesperson Sales by Customer report (23019039) was added. The report shows a salesperson's sales history by customer.

Salesperson Sales by Ship-to Report (NEW)

The Salesperson Sales by Ship-to report (23019038) was added. The report shows a salesperson's sales history by ship-to. 

Work Ctr. Sched. by Lot Size Report (NEW)

The Work Ctr. Sched. by Lot Size report (23019016) was added. The report shows a work center's schedule according to lot size. The report shows the start time and run time of each batch of a larger production run. The report needs to be run against a WIP item that has batches.

Warehouse and Inventory

Warehouse Shipment: Default Sorting Method


You can now define the default warehouse shipment sorting method for a location. When you set the default sorting method, the Sorting Method field on the Warehouse Shipment window will be automatically populated with the default sorting method for the selected location.

To set the default warehouse shipment method:

  1. Open the Location Card window for the location that you want to set default sorting method.

  2. On the Warehouse FastTab, select a value for the Def. Whse. Shipment Sorting field.

  3. Click OK.

    The selected value will be pushed to the Sorting Method field on the Warehouse Shipment window for the location. You can change the sorting method from the warehouse shipment if required.

The following changes were made:

  • On the Location Card window, the Def. Whse. Shipment Sorting field was added to the Warehouse FastTab. This field defines the method by which the warehouse shipments are sorted.

  • On the Warehouse Shipment window, the Sorting Method field was changed so that it defaults to the value from the Def. Whse Shipment Sorting field for the selected location.

Warehouse Shipment: Sorting by Shelf


You can now sort warehouse shipments lines by shelf when the warehouse shipment sorting method is Shelf or Bin. Previously, when bins were used, the shelf would be ignored. When Shelf or Bin is the sorting method, if bins are mandatory, then items are sorted by bin and then by shelf if a shelf is defined. If bins are not mandatory, then items are sorted by shelf only if a shelf if defined.

To set up sorting warehouse shipments by shelf:

  1. On the Warehouse Shipment window, ensure that the value in the Sorting Method field is Shelf or Bin.

  2. On the Item Card window, define a shelf in the Shelf field.

Work Items

The following is a list of work items that were completed in this release:

ID Area Path Severity Changed JF Objects Description
55129 FLOOR 2 - High COD 23019455 Unable to send serial tracked items in Floor receiving. This has been fixed.
55754 FLOOR 3 - Medium TAB 23019454 The Floor Setup table was mistakenly set to be an inter-company table. This setup should be configurable per Company. This has been resolved.
55831 FLOOR 3 - Medium N/A In a number of Floor interfaces, regional settings on the server could cause JustFoodERP "zero dates" to format incorrectly. (i.e., you might come across '1/1/01' instead of a blank date.) Floor date formatting has been refactored and redesigned to handle a much larger number of North American '/'-delimited regional date formats. (Eg. M/D/YY, M/D/YYYY, MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY, D/M/Y, Y/M/D, etc.)
55857 FLOOR 3 - Medium N/A In Floor, a blank Shipment Date would show up as '01/01/0001' in the Details section of the Warehouse Shipments page. This has been fixed.
54870 FLOOR 4 - Low COD 23019456 Fixed some grammar issues with the message displayed in Floor when you try to assign a pick to someone else. (You can only assign to your own USERID.)
55092 COMMISSIONS 3 - Medium REP 23019671
REP 23019672
TAB 23019676
When running Calculate Payout by Vendor or Calculate Payout by Salesperson in "Create Payment Lines" mode, the lines were being generated with a "Comm. Calc. Type" of 'Price'. (This was not affecting posting -- Detailed Commission Entries for payment lines were posting with "Comm. Calc. Type" 'Price'.) The Calculate functions have been updated to display the "Comm. Calc. Type" correctly in the journal.
55085 COMMISSIONS 4 - Low COD 23019670
TAB 23019680
Unable to delete commission vendor record. This has been fixed.
53129 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium COD 99000787 Bin Code not updating initially in Prod. Order Line to match with last Routing Line. This has been fixed.
54099 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium REP 23019525 When in the 'Alternate Cost Worksheet', and you click 'Roll Up Alternate Cost' and then click OK, an error message is displayed: 'Status must be equal to 'Certified' in Routing Header: No.=. Current Value is 'New'.' This has been fixed.
55119 MANUFACTURING 3 - Medium TAB 5407
TAB 83
Consumption Journal Prod Order Component Line No. does not look up finished orders. This was fixed so that the lookup now looks to the correct production order component line.
56013 (PBI) MANUFACTURING PAG 99000922
TAB 99000852
New fields were added to the Production Forecast Entries page.
PAG 99000919
PAG 99000922
REP 23019354 (new)
TAB 27
TAB 99000852
Added the Entry Type field to the Production Forecast Entry window.
PAG 99000919
REP 23019354
New actions were added to the Product Forecast page.
52920 PLATFORM 4 - Low   Added in missing icons for Credit Management and Order Status actions.
55218 (PBI) PLATFORM REP 23019004
REP 23019008
REP 23019009
REP 23019010
REP 23019011
REP 23019012
REP 23019013
Removed RDLC layouts from JF Word document reports.
TAB 7321
When you set the tolerance on a customer card for overshipping, the application should block the user from shipping if they have exceeded the tolerance, but it is not. This has been fixed.
TAB 7317
When you set the tolerance on a Vendor card for over-receiving, the application should block the user from entering an amount that exceeds the tolerance % on Purchase Order or Purchase Receipt, if they have exceeded the tolerance. Instead it is allowing them to post even though they have exceeded the tolerance. This has been fixed.
56355 PURCHASES AND PAYABLES 3 - Medium COD 90 Ship-to code was not being filled out on drop shipments. This has been fixed.
55213 (PBI) PURCHASES AND PAYABLES REP 23019004 Changed the object name and caption of report 23019004 to be 'Purchase Order (Word)'
REP 23019009
Reamed the Mini Whse-Posted Shipment report to 'Posted Whse. Shipment (Word)'. Renamed the Mini Whse.-Shipment report to 'Whse. Shipment (Word)'.
COD 23019207
PAG 23019199
Could not use Item Reclass to move an item that was on hold. This has been fixed.
47494 QUALITY MANAGEMENT 3 - Medium COD 23019200 When a quality audit is created from the QA Planning Worksheet, for an Expired Inventory quality procedure, the item's lot number is not blocked when "Block Lot Until QA Complete" is selected. This has been fixed.
REP 23019027 (new)
REP 357
TAB 9650
You can now copy Report Layout Selections to new Companies in NAV from the Report Selection Layout page and when the Copy function is used on the Companies page.
COD 8614
COD 8618
PAG 8624
PAG 8626
PAG 8632
TAB 8613
TAB 8614
TAB 8616
TAB 8622
Added ability to include Import Type in Excel template with the option to delete. Excel templates with lines marked with Import Type set to Delete will be removed from the database when the Configuration Package is applied.
PAG 8614
PAG 8615
PAG 8625
PAG 8626
NewRapid Start actions have been added that allow you to create Config. PackageRecords directly from existing database records.
PAG 8614
PAG 8625
Added the ability to delete database data from within the Configuration Package page.
53185 (PBI) RAPIDSTART COD 23019029 (new)
PAG 23019161 (new)
PAG 8615
A new actioncalled "Create Clean Company Package" has been added to the RapidStart "Configuration Packages" functions section of the Actions tab.
PAG 23019162 (new)
PAG 357
TAB 79
Added the ability to assign a status to a company to indicate whether it is a production, testing, or development environment.  Production environments will be limited in some of the deletion routines that can be run.
55817 (PBI) RAPIDSTART PAG 8625 Added the "Import Type as Column" to the Config. Package window.
54698 REPORTING 3 - Medium PAG 14050119
PAG 14050303
PAG 36600
PAG 36601
PAG 9011
The My Reports FactBox (23019065) was added to the RoleCenters. In the My Reports window, you can create and manage a list of your most commonly used reports.
55137 REPORTING 3 - Medium REP 10019 Fixed a text overflow issue in the G/L Register report 10019. (The ERROR messages would reference "SourceName" or "SourceCodeText" variables.)
55176 REPORTING 3 - Medium REP 23019048 When I run the Transfer Report -Assign lot (23019048), the report will fail when printing to PDF if Assign Lot/Serial No to Transfer Lines is checked.
55180 REPORTING 3 - Medium REP 23019351 When attempting generate the Mat. Requisition-Allocated Lot report, and error occurred. This has been fixed.
56707 REPORTING 3 - Medium REP 10401
REP 23019084
When I try to run Print Checks in the Payment Journal, I received an error message indicating that the external doc no is greater than 30 characters. This has been fixed.
55163 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019210 On the Quality Hold Report, the columns don't fit on one page. This has been fixed.
55166 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019213 When you print the Quality Hold Valuation report (23019213,) the data doesn't fit on the page. This has been fixed.
55179 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019301 The Shipment Planning Worksheet Report (23019301) is cut off on the left and right margins on printout. This has been fixed.
55181 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019506 When I run report 23019506 (Mat. Requisition - Assign Lot), bar codes are appearing for the header record even though I do not have the option "print bar codes" checked. This has been fixed.
55182 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019380 The Report Name is incorrect on the printed report.  It says "Outstanding Orders by Customers " it should be " Sales Orders Ready To Ship" and the report is cut off on all margins.
55184 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019653 When I print out the report, it cuts off the values in the Amount (DOC) column and prints one column on the back of the sheet. This has been fixed.
55188 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019756 When I print Production Line Analysis Report (23019756) comments attached to the routing lines are cut off and the Total Quantity at the bottom of the report. Resized comments and final total, since they were cut off at the bottom.
55203 REPORTING 4 - Low REP 23019601 The Unaccrued Costs by Item report was not available from the menu or search. This has been fixed.
54708 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019012 The Posted Sales Invoice Word report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
54710 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019004 The Purchase - Order (Word) report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
55697 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019008 The Posted Whse. Shipment Word report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
55698 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019013 The Sales-Credit Memo (Word) report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
55699 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019011 The Sales-Order Conf. (Word) report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
55700 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019009 The Whse. - Shipment (Word) report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
55701 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019010 The Sales-Quote (Word) report had its layout and database structure updated to follow the new JF Report Document Standards.
55834 (PBI) REPORTING MEN 1059
REP 23019254 (new)
The Preventative Maintenance Report was added.
55835 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019016 (new)
QUE 23019020 (new)
MEN 1059
The Work Center Sched. by Lot Size report was added.
55836 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019017 The Machine Center Sched by Lot Size report was added.
55837 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019018 (new)
MEN 1059
The Machine Center Schedule by UOM report was added.
55838 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019028 (new)
MEN 1059
The Bakery Batch Worksheet report was added.
55839 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019029 (new)
MEN 1059
The Production Yield by Groups report was added.
55840 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019005 Added the ability to filter The Item Usage 10 Week report by variant and location.
55841 (PBI) REPORTING MEN 1059
REP 23019036 (new)
The Item Valuation to GL Rec report was created.
55842 (PBI) REPORTING MEN 1059
REP 23019037
The Item Valuation Rec Lot report was added.
55843 (PBI) REPORTING MEN 1059
QUE 23019012 (new)
QUE 23019013 (new)
QUE 23019014 (new)
REP 23019035 (new)
The Item Valuation Rec - Net Change report was added.
55844 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019015 (new)
MEN 1059
The Inventory Aging by Lot report was added.
55845 (PBI) REPORTING MEN 1059
REP 23019014 (new)
The Item Lot Rounding Report was added.
55846 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019502 The Inventory Expiry Analysis report was updated to filter by variant and location.
55994 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019084 (new) The Check (Check/Stub/Stub) report (23019084) was added.
56150 (PBI) REPORTING COD 2 The Word reports were set up to be the default report selections when a new company is created.
56260 (PBI) REPORTING REP 23019038
QUE 23019016
The Salesperson Sales by Ship-to report was added.
56261 (PBI) REPORTING MEN 1059
QUE 23019015 (new)
REP 23019039 (new)
The Salesperson Sales by Customer report was added.
55155 SALES AND MARKETING 2 - High COD 21 When attempting to post a sales invoice, the Item Properties check was being called incorrectly. This has been fixed.
55331 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium PAG 6631
PAG 96
Line Discount% field should be disabled on Sales Credit Memo and Sales Return Order when the Sales Price UOM is populated. This has been fixed.
56163 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium REP 23019672 The "Calculate Payout by Vendor" function would fail (with a '"Line No." already exists ERROR) if multiple Commission Codes were found for a given vendor. This has been resolved.
56165 SALES AND MARKETING 3 - Medium REP 23019671 The "Calculate Payout by Salesperson" function would fail (with a '"Line No." already exists ERROR) if multiple Commission Codes were found for a given salesperson. This has been resolved.
53126 SALES AND MARKETING 4 - Low TAB 7321 An error was occurring when JF was set up to allow over-shipping of quantities from a sales order. This has been fixed.
55210 (PBI) SALES AND MARKETING REP 23019012 (new)
REP 23019011 (new)
REP 23019013 (new)
REP 23019010(new)
The JF Word Sales Document reports were separated from the base NAV reports.
55952 SCHEDULER 4 - Low TAB 23019462 A new Scheduler view in JustFoodERP with a blank description was not being displayed in Scheduler. This has been fixed.

COD 23
COD 23019453
COD 23019459
You can now load net weights from the item journal without entering item tracking for each line.
COD 5708
COD 5752
TAB 5740
TAB 5742
The system would allow you to create (and in some cases post) Direct Transfer Orders tolocations that were specified as "Require Receive". This has been fixed at the Transfer Order level. If you try to specify "DirectTransfer" on a Transfer Order with a Transfer-To Location that is set upwith receiving, you will be blocked with an ERROR.Additionally, thesystem will not let you set up a Transfer Route to a "RequireReceive" Location with an "In-Transit Location" that matches theInventory Setup "Direct Transfer In-Transit Location".
55123 WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY 3 - Medium TAB 39 Line Discount % and Line Discount Amount field were not being cleared when the user changed the qty on blanket purchase order. This has been fixed.
55419 WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY 3 - Medium PAG 6510 A blank Item Tracking line is no longer brought in whenselecting entries for Item Tracking.
PAG 5703
REP 5753
TAB 14
TAB 7320
You now have the ability to set a default sorting method for warehouse shipments by location.
55848 (PBI) WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY TAB 7321 The shelf can now be considered as part of the sorting method for warehouse shipments when the shelf or bin option is used.
55115 (PBI) PLANT COD 23019468 Plant will automatically create a lot/serial number information card when a lot or serial number is added to the item tracking.

© 2016 Microsoft and IndustryBuilt Software. All rights reserved.

JustFoodERP 2015 Feature Pack 2 Service Pack 1 ( | March 2016