Specifies the service costs on a service order. These include costs of spare parts (items), resource hours and general costs.

Service lines are associated to service documents, such as service quotes, orders, invoices, and credit memos. Amounts on the service lines are in the source currency, unless the field name indicates that the amount is in $. The source currency is the currency that is represented by the currency code on the service header.

Within a service document, a service line can be linked to a specific service item line. The Link Service to Service Item field on the service header, or the Link Service to Service Item field in the Service Mgt. Setup window determines whether this link is mandatory.

When service lines are associated to a specific service document, the program will automatically copy any relevant information from the service header and service item lines to the service lines.

When you post a service order, the program creates a posted service shipment and a service invoice. The service lines become the service shipment lines in the posted service shipment and the service invoice lines in the posted service invoice.

See Also


Service Lines