Specifies up any number of bank accounts, both deposit accounts and loans. You can use these features to keep track of all your bank accounts at one bank or several banks.
You can register payments on a bank account. After you have posted a payment or other credit entry on a bank account, you can use the check printing facility to create a check based on the entry.
The bank accounts can be denominated in your local currency ($) or a foreign currency.
Each Bank Account has its own card containing different kinds of information. On the bank account card, you enter information specific to the individual bank account. This information can be changed. Entries posted in other parts of the program that affect the bank account, for example cash deposits to the bank account posted in the general journal, will be reflected on the bank account's card.
The card has three FastTabs. The General FastTab contains all the general information about the bank account: number, name, address, contact person etc. The Communication FastTab contains phone and fax numbers, e-mail and home page addresses. The Posting FastTab contains all the posting information.
You can change the contents of the fields on the General FastTab as needed. If you change the account number, you must confirm a message. The change can take time because the program checks for all the entries containing the old account number and replaces them with the new number. The fields on the Posting FastTab can be changed, except the Currency Code code field, which can only be changed if there are no open ledger entries.
Information on the bank account is also shown in the Bank Account List window, but the contents of the field cannot be changed here.