These steps are used to define how the Shop Floor role center is set up.

To set up the Shop Floor Role Center

  1. Enter shop floor in the Search box.

  2.  Select Shop Floor Role Center Setup.

  3. Click New. The Shop Floor Role Center Setup window opens.

  4. In the User ID field, select the user for whom you want to set up a Shop Floor role center.

  5. In the Work Center No. Filter field, select the work centers that tasks will be displayed for. You can add multiple work center by adding a pipe (|) between each code, or by specifying a range of work centers with two dots (..).

  6. In the Progress Bar Width field, enter the width of the routing progress bar that is displayed on the Work Center Task List FastTab. The suggested value is 300.

  7. Select the Hide Finished Tasks check box if you do not want show finished tasks on the Work Center Task List FastTab.

  8. (Optional) In the Custom Message fields, enter any messages that you want to be displayed on the Shop Floor role center.

  9. (Optional) In the Customer Message Font Size fields, enter the size of the message font. The suggested value is 8.

  10.  Click OK.

  11.  Create a Shop Floor Role Center.


See Also