Customers are the source of your income. Each customer who you sell to must be registered in Microsoft Dynamics NAV as a customer card.

Customer cards hold the information that is required to sell products to the customer. For more information, see How to: Invoice a Sale and How to: Register a New Product.

If customer templates exist for different customer types, then a window appears automatically when you create a new customer card from where you can select an appropriate customer template. If only one customer template exists, then new customer cards always use that template.

No customer-specific information, such as name or address, is saved and reused on templates.

For this procedure, there is information about how to manually fill in all the fields on a customer card, as if no customer template exists. However, steps 2 through 7 and steps 18 through 22 describe how to use the Customer Template window.

To fill a new customer card

  1. On the Role Center, choose Customers to open the list of existing customer cards.

  2. On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New.

    If only one customer template exists, then a new customer card opens with fields filled with information from the template. In that case, follow the next step.

  3. Follow steps 8 through 11 to fill in customer-specific fields. You can also edit all other fields.

    If more than one customer template exists, then a window with available customer templates automatically opens. In that case, follow the next two steps.

  4. Select a template, and then choose the OK button. A new customer card opens with fields filled with information from the template.

  5. Follow steps 8 through 11 to fill in customer-specific fields. You can also edit all other fields.

    If you want to create a new customer card, without using a template, follow the next two steps.

  6. In the list of customer templates, choose the Blank Customer Card template, and then choose the OK button. An empty customer card opens.

  7. Follow steps 8 through 17 to fill fields on the customer card manually.

  8. In the Name field, enter the name of the customer.

  9. In the Address Details group, fill the fields by using the customer’s address information.

  10. In the Contact Details group, fill the fields by using the customer’s contact information.

  11. In the Blocked field, specify if transactions with the customer should be blocked, for example, because the customer is declared insolvent.

    The Last Date Modified field shows when information was last changed on the customer card.

  12. Fill in the fields in the Posting Details group as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Bill-to Customer No.

    Specify the number of a different customer who should be invoiced for products that you deliver to the customer on the customer card.

    The bill-to customer will be inserted on all sales invoices and credit memos for the customer on the customer card, but you can change the customer on individual documents before posting.

    Gen. Bus. Posting Group

    Specify the customer’s trade type to link transactions made for this customer with the appropriate general ledger account according to the general posting setup.

    The combination of the general business posting group assigned to your customers and the general product posting group assigned to your inventory items determines which general ledger accounts the sales invoice entries are posted to.

    This field is required.

    Tax Bus. Posting Group

    Specify the customer’s Tax specification to link transactions made for this customer with the appropriate general ledger account according to the Tax posting setup.

    This field is required.

    Customer Posting Group

    Specify the customer’s market type to link business transactions made for the customer with the appropriate account in the general ledger.

    This field is required.

    Invoice Copies

    Specify how many copies of a sales invoice for the customer will be printed at a time. For example, enter 2 if you always keep a copy in your files in addition to the one that you send to the customer.

  13. Fill in the fields in the Prices and Discounts group as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Invoice Disc. Code

    Specify a price group that can be used as a criterion when you set up prices for an item sold by the customer.

    To use another invoice discount, enter the number of another customer who also uses that invoice discount code. This can be a code that has previously been set up, or it can be a new one. For more information, see How to: Set Up Invoice Discount Terms.

    Customer Price Group

    Specify a price group that can be used as criterion when you set up prices for items sold to the customer.

    For more information, see How to: Create Sales Prices for a Customer.

    Customer Disc. Group

    Specify a discount group that can be used as criterion when you set up discounts for items sold to the customer.

    For more information, see How to: Create Sales Line Discounts for a Customer.

    Allow Line Disc.

    Specify if line discounts set up for items sold to the customer should automatically apply on sales lines for the customer.

    Prices Including VAT

    Specify if the price and amount fields on invoice lines for this customer should be shown with or without Tax.

    This affects the value in the Line Amount field on a sales invoice line. For more information, see How to: Invoice a Sale.

  14. Fill in the fields in the Foreign Trade group as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Currency Code

    Specify which currency is used on sales documents for the customer. You can change the currency code on individual sales documents.

    Language Code

    Specify which language is used on sales documents for the customer. You can change the language code on individual sales documents.

    Tax Registration No.

    Specify the registration number that is used to register your Tax obligations if the customer is located in EU countries/regions.

    The number will appear on invoices and will also be used by your auditor to create the Tax - VIES Declaration Tax Authentication report.

  15. Fill in the fields on the Payments FastTab as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Application Method

    Specify how to apply payments for this customer. The following options exist:

    • Manual: Payments are only applied if you specify a document.
    • Apply to Oldest: If you do not specify a document for the payment to be applied to, then payments are applied to the oldest of the customer’s open entries.

    Payment Terms Code

    Specify a predefined code for the formula that calculates the payment due date, payment discount date, and payment discount amount on sales invoices for the customer.

    Payment Method Code

    Specify a predefined code for the method that the customer usually uses to submit payment, such as bank transfer or check.

    Reminder Terms Code

    Specify a predefined code that specifies what information should be included on payment reminders and when the reminders should be created.

    Fin. Charge Terms Code

    Specify a predefined code that specifies the interest rate and how the interest rate is calculated on finance charge memos that you issue for late payments.

    Last Statement No.

    Specify the number of the last statement that was printed for the customer.

    You can change the number, but be aware that this will interrupt the numeric sequence of the customer's statements.

  16. In the Print Statements check box, specify if the customer should always be included in the Statement report.

  17. In the Block Payment Tolerance check box, specify if the customer is allowed a payment tolerance.

    A payment tolerance is the percentage that a payment or refund is allowed to be less than the amount on the invoice or credit memo. Your company’s payment tolerance percentage is set up in the General Ledger Setup window.

    If you want to use this customer card as a template when you create new customer cards, then proceed to save it as a customer template.

  18. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, choose Save as Template. The Customer Template window opens showing the customer card as a template.

  19. In the Template Name field, enter a descriptive name for the type of customers that can be created by using this template.

  20. To reuse dimensions in templates, on the Home tab, in the Master Data group, choose Dimensions. The Dimensions Template List window opens showing any dimension codes that are set up for the customer.

  21. Edit or enter dimension codes that will apply to new customer cards created by using the template.

  22. When you have completed the new customer template, choose the Close button.

    The customer template is added to the list of customer templates, so that you can use it to create new customer cards as described in steps 2 through 7.

The customer is now registered, and the customer card is ready to be used on business documents where you trade with the customer. For more information, see How to: Invoice a Sale.


See Also