If you want to return items to your vendor or cancel services that you have bought, then you can create and post a purchase credit memo that specifies the requested change with regard to the original purchase invoice. You use the Copy Document function to fill the purchase credit memo with the correct purchase invoice information. The change may relate to all the products on the original purchase invoice or only to some of the products. Accordingly, you can partially return received items or demand partial reimbursement of received services. In that case, you must edit the copied purchase invoice information.

You can apply the purchase credit memo to one or more posted purchase invoices. This reverses the ledger entries that are affected by the change and enables a refund collection from the vendor. If you want to apply the purchase credit memo to a specific posted purchase invoice, follow step 4. If you want to apply the purchase credit memo to multiple posted purchase invoices, follow steps 14 through 18.

To create a purchase credit memo

  1. On the Role Center, choose Open Purchase Credit Memos.

  2. On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New.

  3. In the Vendor Name field, enter the name of an existing vendor. This is a search-as-you-type field. Name is the default filter.

    If you prefer to find and enter vendors by number or telephone number, you can easily change the default filter. For more information, see How to: Enter Data.

    Other fields on the purchase credit memo header are now filled with the standard information about the selected customer. You can edit all the fields, such as the fields in the Payment Details group, to reflect the credit memo agreement.

  4. To apply the purchase credit memo to one posted purchase invoice, fill in the fields in the Application Details group as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Applies-to Doc. Type

    Specify the type of document that the purchase credit memo is applied to.

    Applies-to Doc. No.

    Specify the purchase document that the purchase credit memo is applied to.

    Applies-to ID

    Specify if the purchase credit memo is applied to one or more posted purchase invoices using the Apply Entries function. For more information, see step 14.

    When you post the purchase credit memo, it will be applied to the specified posted purchase invoice.

  5. On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Copy Document.

  6. In the Copy Purchase Document window, select Posted Invoice in the Document Type field.

  7. Choose the Document No. field to open the Posted Purchase Invoices window, and then select the posted purchase invoice that you want to reverse.

  8. Select the Include Header check box if you want to overwrite the current header on the purchase credit memo with the header information of the selected posted purchase invoice.

    The information that you defined in the Application Details group will not be overwritten.

  9. Select the Recalculate Lines check box if you want the copied posted purchase invoice lines to be updated with any changes in item price and unit cost since the invoice was posted.

  10. Choose the OK button. The copied invoice lines are inserted in the purchase credit memo.

    If the full invoice quantity is returned or canceled for complete reimbursement, then go to step 19 to post the purchase credit memo.

    In other scenarios, such as partial returns with reimbursement, or if you return additional products, proceed to fill or edit the purchase credit memo lines manually.

  11. On the Lines FastTab, in the No. field, enter the number of an inventory item or service. This is a search-as-you-type field. No. is the default filter.

    If you prefer to find and enter items by name, then you can easily change the default filter. For more information, see How to: Enter Data.

  12. In the Quantity field, enter the number of items to be reversed.

    For items of type Service, the quantity is a time unit, such as hours, as indicated in the Unit of Measure Code field on the line.

    The *Line Amount field is updated to show the value in the *Direct Unit Cost field multiplied by the value in the Quantity field.

    The price and line amount are shown with or without Tax depending on what you selected in the *Prices Including VAT field on the *customer card.

  13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for every inventory item or service that you want to reverse.

    The totals shown at the bottom of the purchase credit memo are automatically calculated as you modify the lines or create new lines.

  14. To apply the purchase credit memo to multiple posted purchase invoices, on the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Apply Entries.

  15. In the Apply Customer Entries window, select the lines with the entries that you want the applying entry to be applied to.

  16. On the Navigate tab, in the Application group, choose Set Applies-to ID. The number of the purchase credit memo is inserted on the selected lines.

  17. On each line, in the *Amount to Apply field, enter the amount that you want to apply to the individual entry. If you do not enter an amount, the maximum amount is automatically applied. At the bottom of the Apply Customer Entries window, you can see the specific amount in the Applied Amount field and also whether the application balances.

  18. Choose the OK button to close the *Apply Customer Entries window. When you post the purchase credit memo, it will be applied to the specified posted purchase invoices.

    When you have created the needed purchase credit memo lines and the single or multiple applications are specified, you can proceed to post the purchase credit memo.

  19. On the Home tab, in the Posting group, choose Post and Send To, and then choose Email as PDF or Printer.

The posted purchase invoices that you apply the credit memo to are now reversed, and a refund payment can be created for the customer.

The purchase credit memo is removed and replaced with a new document in the list of posted purchase credit memos, which you access from the Role Center.

If you selected Printer in step 19, then the purchase credit memo is printed as a document that you can send to the customer. If you selected Email as PDF in step 10, then an email is created prefilled with the customer’s email address, and the purchase credit memo is attached as a PDF file.

To create an email, Microsoft Outlook 2010 or 2013 must be installed on the computer on which you are using .


See Also