
Multiple Units of Measure

The way multiple units-of-measures (UOMs) in bins are handled has been changed.

  • The Location Card window has an Allow Multi-UOM in Bin Content check box. If the check box is selected, a bin in a non-directed location can contain multiple UOMs. In order to select the Allow Multi-UOM in Bin Content check box, the Require Pick check box must be selected on the Warehouse Setup window.
  • The Stockkeeping Unit Card window has an Allow Multi-UOM in Bin Content check box on the Warehouse FastTab.
  • By default, the inventory in a non-directed location will register in the base UOM. The logic will check two things:
    1. If a stockkeeping unit exists for the item, the value for the Allow Multi-UOM Bin Content check box is checked on the item’s Stockkeeping Unit Card window.
      • If the check box is cleared, the item will go into the bin in the base UOM.
      • If the check box is selected, the item will go into the bin using the UOM of the document being posted.
    2. If a stockkeeping unit does not exist for the item, the value for the Allow Multi-UOM Bin Content check box is checked on the Location Card window for the appropriate location.
      • If the check box is cleared, the item will go into the bin in the base UOM.
      • If the check box is selected, the item will go into the bin using the UOM of the document being posted.

Non-Directed Picks

All bin contents in a non-directed scenario should have a blank Bin Type code. If the Bin Type code is blank on the bin contents, then the function checks to see if the bin is the SHIP or RECEIVE bin. If the bin is SHIP or RECEIVE, then the contents cannot be picked from the bin. In the directed scenario, all bins must have a Bin Type code, and the bin contents will inherit the Bin Type code.

Production Bins

In JustFoodERP 2009, the Inbound Production Bin field on the Location Card window had the following options:

  • Generic: The Inbound Production Bin Code from the location was used for the component bin.
  • Routing Based: The Inbound Bin Code from the work/machine center of the first operation of the routing was used for the component bin.
  • Prod. Order No.: The production order number was used to create a bin, and that bin is used for the component bin.

In Base NAV 2013, the Location Code, To-Production Bin Code and From-Production Bin Code fields were added to the Machine Center Card window and the Work Center Card window.

  • Location Code: Shows the location where the work center operates by default. The location code that is defined for the work center also applies to any underlying machine centers. The detailed flow of items to and from the work center is defined in the bin code fields in the Location Code field on the work center card.
  • To-Production Bin Code: Specifies the bin in the production area where components that are picked for production at this location are placed by default before they can be consumed.
  • From-Production Bin: Specifies the bin in the production area where finished end items at this work center are taken from by default when the process involves warehouse activity.

These new fields replace the need for the Generic and Routing Based options, and the Prod. Order No. is no longer required. As a result, the Inbound Production Bin field was removed from the following windows: .

  • Location Cardrd
  • Released Prod. Orders (Lines FastTab)

Event Notificationssns

The following Event Notification was added to the Events window:

  • BIN_BLOCKED: Notifies event contacts if the Blocked check box is selected for a bin on the Bins window.
  • BIN_CONTENT_BLOCKED: Notifies event contacts if the Blocked check box is selected for bin contents on the Bin Content window.
  • CUSTOMER_BLOCKED: Notifies event contacts if, on the Customer Card, the value in the Blocked field changes to Ship, Invoice or All, or if the status changes from any non-blank status to another non-blank status.
  • ITEM_BLOCKED: Notifies event contacts if the Blocked, Block From Sales Documents, or Block From Purchase Documents check box is selected on the Item Card window.
  • ITEM_UOM_CONVERT: Notifies event contacts if the value in the Qty. Per Unit of Measure field has changed on the Item Units of Measure window.
  • OVER_RECEIPT: Notifies event contacts when a purchase order has been over-received. An item is included in the notification if its Qty. to Receive value plus the Quantity Received value is greater than the Original Order Qty. value on the order. The event will generate a single email showing only the lines that were over-received per purchase order.
  • OVER_SHIP: Notifies event contacts when a sales order has been over-shipped. An item is included in the notification if its Qty. to Ship value plus the Quantity Shipped is greater than the Original Order Qty. value on the order. The event will generate a single email showing only the lines that were over-shipped per shipment.
  • PROD_BOM_STATUS: Notifies event contacts if the value in the Status or Version field is changed on the Production BOM window.
  • QUALITY_HOLD: Notifies event contacts when a quality hold has been posted. On the posting of a quality hold journal, a single email will be sent per quality hold number.
  • ROUTING_STATUS: Notifies event contacts if the value in the Status or Version Nos. field is changed on the Routing window.
  • SHORT_RECEIPT: Notifies event contacts when a purchase order has been short-received. An item is included in the notification if its Qty. to Receive value plus the Quantity Received value is less than the Original Order Qty. value on the order. The event will generate a single email showing only the lines that were short-received per purchase order.
  • SHORT_SHIP: Notifies event contacts when a sales order has been short-shipped. An item is included in the notification if its Qty. to Ship value plus the Quantity Shipped value is less than the Original Order Qty. value on the order. The event will generate a single email showing only the lines that were short-shipped per shipment.
  • VENDOR_BLOCKED: Notifies event contacts if, on the Vendor Card, the value in the Blocked field changes to Payment or All, or if the status changes from any non-blank status to another non-blank status.

For more information, see Event Notifications.



  • The Export Website Configuration and Initialize Web Services actions were removed from the Floor Setup window. The Initialize Web Services action was replaced by the Floor Initialize Web Services action on the Web Services window in NAV.
  • The Whse. Shipment Pick Creation check box was added to the Floor Setup window. If the check box is selected, when warehouse employees select the line they intend to pick, the system generates a real pick directing the user to the multiple bins where the FEFO lots exist in the warehouse. If the check box is cleared, the pick assumes the default bin and the quantity is automatically registered.
  • The Phys. Inv. Posting No. Series field was added was added to the Floor Setup window. When posting physical inventory, if Floor cannot create a posting number series using the template or batch name, Floor will look to the value in this field in order to assign a number to the physical inventory record.

Lot Properties


Users can apply properties to bins. When attempting to move an item to a bin, the property values associated with the item’s lot number and with the bin must match. If the property values do not match, the move will not be allowed.

Use the Bin Properties window to assign properties to a bin. Access the Bin Properties window from Locations window>Bins>Properties. When moving containers, ALL of the property values for the items in the container must match the bin property values. The application will ignore any property codes that are not set up on both the bin and the item’s lot number.

The following windows give errors when attempting to move an item (or container) to a bin where the property values do not match:

  • Container Worksheet window
  • Item Journal window
  • Item Reclass. Journal window
  • Warehouse Put-away window

Quality Audits

The Quality Audit (QA) results can now change a lot-tracked item’s property value. If a quality measure code has the same the same property code as an item, when a quality audit is performed and posted, the property value is copied over to the item’s lot properties.

In order for an item’s lot property to be updated, the item’s lot must have the same property code as the quality measure code. You can assign the property code to the quality measure code from the Quality Measure Codes window.


If a customer has a specific item property value, when the picking routine suggests lots, only lots with that property value will be suggested. The item property value will also be checked when registering the pick.

If the customer has item properties but the item’s lot does not have any properties, or the item has properties but the customer does not, then the properties will be ignored. The customer’s item property code and the item’s lot property code must be the same in order for the property values to be compared.

For more information, see Lot Properties.


Bulk Picks

The ability to pick in bulk has been added. Bulk picking can be used when one item is needed for different production orders. Instead of picking the item separately for each production order, bulk picking calculates the following:

  •  Quantity of the items that are required for all of the selected production orders
  •  Bin(s) from which the items should be picked

When creating the bulk pick, you have the option of breaking the bulk item before moving it, or of moving the full quantity without breaking it.

For more information, see the Bulk Picks window.

Component Availability

The Component Availability FactBox was added to JustFoodERP. The FactBox shows component availability for the selected worksheet line. Lines shown in red mean you do not have enough available inventory. Lines shown in yellow are within 10% of your available inventory. The Component AvailabilityFactBox can be viewed from the Planning Worksheet window.

For more information, see the Component Availability Factbox.

Production BOM Tree

Any references to the Production BOM Tree have been removed, and replaced with the base NAV Item Availability by BOM Level feature.

The Production BOM Tree action was removed from the following windows:

  • Item Card
  • Item List
  • Production BOM
  • Production BOM Version

Purchases and Payables

Blanket Order Archives

The Purch. Blanket Order Archives window was added. The new window contains the information about purchase orders contained in earlier versions of the document. The information is stored in this page whenever you archive a purchase order. The program copies the information from the Purchase Header table.

For more information, see the Purch. Blanket Order Archives window.

Bypass Surcharge Calculation

The Bypass Surcharge Calculation check box was added to the following windows. When this check box is selected, surcharges will not be automatically added.

  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Credit Memo
  • Purchase Return Order

Sales and Marketing

Blanket Order Archives

The Sales Blanket Order Archives window was added. The new window contains the information about sales orders contained in earlier versions of the document. The information is stored in this page whenever you archive a sales order. The program copies the information from the Sales Header table. Sales Blanket Order Archives window.


Quality Holds

In JustFoodERP 2013, users can now put a specific container or serial number on hold.

The Serial No. field and Container No. field were added to the following windows:

  • Quality Hold Journal
  • Quality Hold Entries
  • Quality Hold No. Contents
  • Quality Hold Contents

From the Quality Hold Journal window, when calculating the quality hold lines, users can filter the results based on serial number and/or container number. Users now have the ability to move items on a quality hold using the Item Reclass. Journal window or the Floor application. The Item Reclass. Journal window now has a Quality Hold No. field, which allows users to enter the quality hold number that they want to move.

For more information, see Quality.

Quality Visibility

The Finished QA FactBox and Quality Audit FactBox are now available from the following windows:

  • Item Ledger Entries
  • Item Tracking Summary
  • Lot No. Information Card
  • Serial No. Information Card


Users now have the ability to create a template based on an item, customer, vendor or contact record. This allows users to quickly create new records based on a master template, which is useful when creating items, customers, vendors or contacts where much of the information is duplicated.

The Create Template from Master action was added to the following windows:

  • Item Card
  • Customer Card
  • Vendor Card
  • Contact Card

The Create Template from Master action opens the Create Template from Master report.

For more information, see Templates.

Tracking Status

The Tracking Status field was added to the following windows:

  • Consolidated Production Jnl.
  • Consumption Journal
  • Item Journal
  • Item Reclass. Journal
  • Output Journal
  • Production Journal
  • Purchase Order Subform
  • Sale Order Subform
  • Transfer Order Subform
  • Whse. Receipt Subform
  • Whse. Shipment Subform Page

The Tracking Status field indicates whether the lot tracking information for the line is complete.

The field can have the following values:

  • <blank>: Lot tracking information does not apply.
  • Filled: Lot tracking information exists for the entire line quantity.
  • Open: No lot tracking information exists.
  • Partial: Lot tracking information exists for part of the total quantity.


Inventory Overview

The Show Containers check box was added to the General FastTab on the Inventory Overview window. When the check box is selected, the following occurs:

  • The Container No. column is displayed and populated on the Details FastTab.
  • The Total Reserved Quantity and Total Available Quantity columns are hidden on the Details FastTab because demand is not mapped to specific containers.

The Show All Lot/Serial Nos. check box function does not work when the Show Containers check box is selected.

Warehouse Entry Compression

The Summarized Whse. Entry routine was added, which is used to compress the Warehouse Entry table in order to eliminate redundant entries.

Run the routine from Departments/Administration/IT Administration/Data Deletion/Delete Entries/Compress Warehouse Entries.

The routine summarizes the entries based on the fields listed below. The old entries will be removed and replaced by the summarized entries.

  • Location Code
  • Zone Code
  • Bin Code
  • Container No.
  • Item No.
  • Variant Code
  • Lot No.
  • Serial No.
  • Unit of Measure Code

Web Services

The following actions were added to the Web Services page:

  • Floor: Initializes the Floor web services.
  • Plant: Initializes the Plant web services.
  • Production KPIs: Initializes the Production KPI web services.
  • Commerce: Initializes the Commerce web services.
  • All ODataServices: Initializes all of the OData services from the web services list.