Plant connects directly to NAV using web services for immediate, timely consumption and output activity tracking.
Note: Contact JustFoodERP Customer Care ( for more information on getting started with JF Plant.
The following screen shot shows the production calendar in Plant. The calendar is showing a week's schedule for the PACKAGING and BLENDING work centers. For example, you can see that on Monday, the BLENDING work station will be producing item JFW-00037 (production order # 101141) from 4:00am to 7:15am.
Tip: Click the image to see a larger screen shot.
Consumption Screen
The following screen shot shows the Material Consumption screen in Plant. The Vanilla Artificial Flavour item has been selected as one of the items to be consumed to produce the Cran-Orange Muffin item. The Expected vs. Actual graph shows that 13.5kgs of vanilla are expected to be consumed, and that 7kgs have already been consumed. The Components graph shows the items that have been consumed, or still need to be consumed. For example, 100% percent of the water has been consumed, while 52% of the vanilla has been consumed.
The Plant user can select the vanilla lot number, enter the remaining quantity to be consumed, and then post the consumption, which will update the graphs and the data in NAV.
This screen can be set up from the Plant Device Configuration window.
Output Screen
This screen can be set up from the Plant Device Configuration window.

The following screen shot shows where the Plant user can enter the time it took to set up the work center, the time it took to output the items, and how many items were outputted.
Once the users posts the output, the data in NAV is updated, and the graphs are updated to show the expected versus actual output, the expected versus actual time spent setting up and running, and the forecasted output versus the actual output (the red needle shows the forecast for the item for the current month, and the orange needle shows the actual output for the month).