This page lists the hot fixes that have been released for JustFoodERP 2013 R2 Feature Pack 1 (

The hot fixes are cumulative. That is, each hot fix includes all of the previous hot fixes for the platform.  Note: The hot fixes do not include the hot fixes from the 2013 R2 ( release.

Hot Fix 3 ( November 2014

ID Functional Area Changed Objects Description
42589 Purchases and Payables COD 23019002
COD 312
PAG 23019139 (new)
TAB 37
When the Use Credit Limit Approvals and Use Overdue Balance Approvals check boxes are selected on the Sales & Receivables Setup window, an error occurred when entering a sales order that caused a customer to go over their credit limit. This has been fixed by now displaying a Credit Limit Warning window, which shows the customer's credit statistics and allows you to accept or decline the amount.
42678 Warehouse and Inventory COD 7312 You cannot create a pick when the Allow Multi-UOM in Bin Content check box, for a location, is not checked, and the UOM is changed on the sales order to something other than the base UOM. This has been fixed.
42895 Purchases and Payables COD 23019009 When the Accrue Item Charges on Rcpt check box is selected on the Purchases & Payables Setup window, an item charge's Qty. to Assign value is updated when the Qty. to Receive value is updated and the Qty. to Receive value is greater than the Qty. to Invoice value.
43020 Warehouse and Inventory TAB 5767 On an Inventory Movement Pick Line, changing the Container No. field would not clear out the previous lot number. This has been fixed. Now, when the Container No. value is changed, a new lot number is generated based on the container's contents if, and only if, the container contains a single lot number for the line's item.
43166 Sales and Marketing COD 80 G/L Lines for sales item charges, which were set up with "Inherit Dimensions from Assgnt", were being posted without any dimensions. This has been fixed.
43197 Purchases and Payables PAG 114
PAG 1330
PAG 1331
PAG 26
PAG 27
PAG 297
PAG 298
PAG 7012
TAB 7012
The following issues were fixed on the Purchase Prices window:
  • Opening the Purchase Prices page from the Vendor Page, List, Item Catalog, etc. was not correctly applying the Vendor No. filter.
  • Attempting to change the Purchase Type Filter would fail in most cases.
  • The caption of the "Vendor No. Filter" field has been changed to "Purchase Code Filter", since it is can also used for Vendor Price Group Code depending on the Purchase Type Filter.
43198 Purchases and Payables COD 5805 Item charges were being calculated incorrectly for partial receipts. This has been fixed.
43426 Reporting PAG 30
PAG 31
TAB 23019025
The Export ForecastX Data report gets an error if the Description is greater than 40 characters. This has been fixed
43427 Sales and Marketing PAG 22 When Filter Blocked Customers is checked on the Sales & Receivable Setup window, an issue occurred when New was clicked from the Customer List window. When the new Customer Card was displayed, and you tabbed off of the No. field, the following error would occur "This view is filtered, and the entry is outside the filter. Some actions may not work." This has been fixed.
43448 Quality Management PAG 23019250 On the PM Procedure window, you could not select a value in the PM Schedule Type field when creating a new record. This has been fixed.
43449 Quality Management TAB 23019259 On the PM Procedure window, when a new Fault Possibility record is added, the version number is missing from the Fault Possibility. This has been fixed.
43457 Purchases and Payables COD 90 Item charges on Sales and Purchasing Documents were not inheriting dimensions for the items they were being assigned to. This has been fixed.
43516 Reporting REP 10122 When printing a Purchase Order report with comments, the report's footer and totals were not being printed. This has been fixed.
43547 Reporting REP 23019020 The Remittance Advice report had incorrect options on the request page, which caused the report to not show the correct information. To fix the issue, the request page now shows the following options: Bank Account, Print in Name Order and Minimum Stub Items.

Hot Fix 2 ( October 2014

ID Functional Area Changed Objects Description
39809 Platform TAB 23019066
TAB 23019067
Users were able to delete a Global Group code even if it was associated with a master record. This has been fixed.

When a Global Group Value was renamed, the value was not always renamed on the master records. This has been fixed.
40324 Manufacturing REP 42776 The Auto-Prioritize action (on the Machine Center Task List window or the Work Center Task List window) was not applying the value from the Initial Start Date field that was entered on the Auto-Prioritize window. This has been fixed. If a value is entered in the Initial Start Date field, the value is now pushed to the Re-Scheduled Start Date field.
42479 Reporting REP 23019504 When running the Job Card report, when the check boxes were selected, the available quantities were not being calculated correctly. This has been fixed.

The Component Alternate UOM field has been added to the report options page, with the following choices:
  • Component Alt. UOM: Uses the Alt. UOM specified on the component line if it is present. Otherwise uses the component item's base UOM.
  • Base: Uses the component item's base UOM.
  • Std. Weight: Uses the component's standard weight.
42480 Manufacturing TAB 99000772 When adding items to a BOM, the value for the Quantity (Alt. UOM) field was not being calculated correctly. This has been fixed.
42578 Finance COD 10140 Notes that were added to a deposit were not flowing through to the posted deposit. This has been fixed.
42590 Reporting REP 10077 When "Post and Print" is clicked while posting a Sales Order with Ship AND Invoice, the Sales Shipment report (10077) would give an A4 paper error. This has been fixed.

Note: If a custom report is set up for the Bill-to Customer, or set up in Report Selections, this issue may not apply -- or may need to be resolved separately for the custom report.
42617 Purchases and Payables PAG 480 When modifying the Purchase Line dimensions (i.e. from the Purchase Order subform Line -> Dimensions), the Dimension Value Name field was not refreshing if a Dimension Value Code was entered or changed. This has been fixed.
42622 Finance REP 23019741
REP 23019744
The following issues were fixed:
  • When re-calculating or cancelling Sales-Based Purchase Rebates that create Posted Sales Profit Modifier entries, adjustment entries were not being created for the Posted Sales Profit Modifiers.
  • Using the Cancel Purchase Rebate action would post correctly to the G/L, but wasn't accounting for adjustment entries when creating the Rebate Ledger Entries - it would only reverse the first entry amount.
42673 Reporting REP 99000765 Fixed layout issues with Report 99000765 "Prod. Order - Mat. Requisition". The paper size was set at A4, which can cause printing issues in some cases. Additionally, the "Quantity" caption was wrapping incorrectly.
42739 Reporting REP 10074 The base JF Sales Invoice report (10074) was printing extra pages with no line details because the report layout has margins that were greater than 8.5". This has been fixed.
42985 RapidStart TAB 8613 Users were unable to set the unit cost when using the OPENING INVENTORY package. This has been fixed by adding the Unit Amount field to the OPENING INVENTORY package.
43019 Sales and Marketing REP 23019022 The Posted Whse. Shipment Bill of Lading report wasn't printing lot details for Direct Transfers. This has been fixed.
43165 Purchases and Payables COD 97 On the Blanket PO window, if the Order Address field has a value, the Make Order function does not pull the order address fields into the newly create PO. This has been fixed.

Hot Fix 1 ( September 2014

ID Functional Area Changed Objects Description
37944 Warehouse and Inventory PAG 23019941 When adding properties to an item, when a new property is added, that new property automatically has the value from the previous property instead of being blank. This has been fixed.
42482 Scheduler COD 23019493 The word "capacity" was spelled incorrectly on an error message. This has been fixed.
42584 Finance MEN 1059 An error occurred when clicking the "Apply Customer Rebate Entries" link from the navigation pane. This link has been removed.
42620 RapidStart CREATECLEANCOMPANY package

The following tables were added to the CREATECLEANCOMPANY RapidStart package:

  • 224 Order Address
  • 23019049 Bar Code Type
  • 23019066 Global Group
  • 23019067 Global Group Value
  • 23019392 Customer Logistics Routes
42712 Purchases and Payables PAG 31 On the Item List window, when entering an unknown value in the Filter field for the No. field, the window was freezing. This has been fixed.
42759 Manufacturing PAG 99000814 When you create a released production order (FG) that is linked to another released production order (WIP). The WIP production order does not show the link. This has been fixed.
42873 EDI COD 14002362 The EDI document 945 could not be processed once it got into the EDI holding table. This has been fixed.