In order to create a bulk pick, the following must be in place:

To create a bulk pick

  1. Open the Inventory Movements window.

    Navigate to Departments/Warehouse/Goods Handling Order by Order/Inventory Movements.

  2. Click New. The Inventory Movement window opens.

  3. Enter a value in the No. field.

  4. Select a value in the Location Code field.

  5. On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Bulk Pick Production. The Bulk Pick Production report opens.

  6. On the Options tab, select the Move Full Break Bulk Quantity check box if you want to move the full amount and place it in the new bin.

    Clear the Move Full Break Bulk Quantity check box if you want to break the bulk item, and only move the required amount.

  7. Enter the required filters.

    A value must be entered in the Location Code field.

  8. Click OK.

    The system returns the entries that will fulfill all of the production orders for the location and the related filters.

    Note: If there is not enough inventory to fulfill the production orders, then only the available inventory will be listed for the bulk pick. For example, if the production orders called for 660kgs of flour, but only 500kgs were in inventory, then the bulk pick will only show 500kgs.

See Also