Open the Create Fiscal Year window.

Sets up a new fiscal year automatically so that you can enter transactions for the new year. For the batch job to work correctly, you must define the number and length of the accounting periods in the new fiscal year.


Field Description

Starting Date

Enter the date on which the fiscal year starts.

No. of Periods

Specify the number of accounting periods the fiscal year is divided into. There can be from 1 to 365 periods.

Period Length

Specify how long each accounting period is. For example, 1M = 1 month, 1Q = 1 quarter, and so on.

Create Report Date FeedSelect the check box to indicate that a report date feed should be created when the fiscal year is created.
Quarter Starting DatesSelect the starting date for each of the accounting period quarters. The value for the Quarter 1 Starting field is from the Starting Date field.
There must be at least one accounting period, and the shortest possible period is one day.

Additional Information

An accounting period is the period of time covered by a set of financial statements. A classic example of an accounting period is a calendar year of 12 months.


See Also